End-to-End Oncology Research Workflows

Various applications are leveraged to support cancer research workflows from molecular applications with PCR and NGS to imaging and flow cytometry. All these workflow applications begin with sample preparation. Thermo Fisher Scientific provides end-to-end oncology research solutions for liquid biopsy and solid tumor research including complimentary research of cells, proteins, and exosomes.

Cancer research applications and techniques

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Liquid biopsy solutions


Liquid biopsies examine biomarkers shed by tumors, such as circulating tumor cells, tumor DNA, or exosomes. They are less invasive than surgical biopsies and can detect cancer early, monitor treatment response, and identify therapy resistance.

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers sample preparation solutions for liquid biopsy research. Our MagMAX chemistry workflows on KingFisher instruments deliver accurate and reproducible results for detecting rare mutations in circulating tumor DNA and RNA. Dynabeads magnetic beads enable gentle isolation of intact exosomes and circulating tumor cells with high specificity and sensitivity.

Thermo Fisher Scientific products, including MagMAXDynabeads and KingFisher products, are essential tools for liquid biopsy research, helping to advance our understanding of cancer biology and improve translational patient outcomes.

Cell free nucleic acid purification workflow

High-quality cfDNA purificationMagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit design allows for high-quality cfDNA yield and enrichment from plasma, serum, and urine.

High-quality cfTNA purificationMagMAX Cell-Free Total Nucleic Acid Kit is designed for the purification of DNA, RNA, and miRNA from plasma, serum, urine, and saliva.

Biomarker Cell free nucleic acids 
Click on the product names or images to learn more
KingFisher Apex

KingFisher Apex purification instrument
MagMAX Cell-Free Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

Magnetic bead-based DNA and RNA extraction
MagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit

Magnetic bead-based DNA extraction
Sample typeRNA, DNA, protein, cellsPlasma, serum, urinePlasma, serum, urine
Now with expanded automation capabilities: saliva & large volume urine
Automated magnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beads
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, CERT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, CERT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS
Automation compatibleYesYesYes
 Request a quoteOrder nowOrder now

Sample quantification for liquid biopsies


Qubit Fluorometric Quantification

Qubit Fluorometers provide fast, accurate, and precise quantification of the DNA, RNA, or protein within a sample. The Qubit 4 and Qubit Flex Fluorometers use target-selective Qubit assays that fluoresce when bound specifically to the target molecules of interest. Learn how the quantification of these analytes is important for downstream applications like next generation sequencing (NGS), PCR, transfection, western blotting, and immunoassays.

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NanoDrop Microvolume Spectrophotometers

Quickly quantify DNA, RNA, and protein using only 1–2 µL of sample with Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Spectrophotometers. Our pioneering sample-retention technology has evolved across the full spectrum to bring you more knowledge about your sample, so that you can save days of troubleshooting and accelerate your research.

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Digital PCR for liquid biopsies

Eppendorf tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Digital PCR icon

Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assays

Enables reproducible, specific detection of known somatic mutations with wet-lab validated assays capable of detecting down to 0.1% variant allele frequency in genes relevant for cancer research.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for liquid biopsies

Ion Chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

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MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for liquid biopsies

Ampli Seq HD icon

Ion AmpliSeq HD Panels for Targeted NGS

Amplicon-based library preparation technology that gives you the power to design your own panels and find variants with a low limit of detection.

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Oncology Hematological icon

Oncomine Cell-Free Assays for Liquid Biopsy Clinical Research

Identify known somatic mutations, CNVs, and fusion genes with targeted NGS assays that are tumor-type specific. Also simultaneously detect DNA and RNA variants across multiple cancer types.

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Tumor Mutation Load Assay icon

Oncomine Precision Assay

Rapid, simultaneous detection of biomarkers across 50 genes from liquid biopsy samples, as well as solid tissue samples.

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S5 Instrument icon

Ion GeneStudio S5 Next-Generation Sequencing Systems

Rapidly and efficiently run small and large projects across multiple research applications, with a simple sample-to-data NGS workflow.

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SeqStudio series genetic analyzers

Get accurate results and reliable performance of Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, while leveraging design improvements and technological advances for increased flexibility, easier operation, enhanced connectivity, and remote serviceability.

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Capillary electrophoresis kits and reagents

Optimized and streamlined kits to help you prepare samples for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis applications on Applied Biosystems genetic analyzers. Our kits will help to keep your lab running at maximum efficiency.

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Data analysis and reporting

A wide portfolio of Applied Biosystems software solutions for viewing and interpreting your Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis results.

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Biomarker Cell free nucleic acids 
Click on the product names or images to learn more
KingFisher Apex

KingFisher Apex purification instrument
MagMAX Cell-Free Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

Magnetic bead-based DNA and RNA extraction
MagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit

Magnetic bead-based DNA extraction
Sample typeRNA, DNA, protein, cellsPlasma, serum, urinePlasma, serum, urine
Now with expanded automation capabilities: saliva & large volume urine
Automated magnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beads
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, CERT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, CERT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS
Automation compatibleYesYesYes
 Request a quoteOrder nowOrder now

Sample quantification for liquid biopsies


Qubit Fluorometric Quantification

Qubit Fluorometers provide fast, accurate, and precise quantification of the DNA, RNA, or protein within a sample. The Qubit 4 and Qubit Flex Fluorometers use target-selective Qubit assays that fluoresce when bound specifically to the target molecules of interest. Learn how the quantification of these analytes is important for downstream applications like next generation sequencing (NGS), PCR, transfection, western blotting, and immunoassays.

Request a quote or demo


NanoDrop Microvolume Spectrophotometers

Quickly quantify DNA, RNA, and protein using only 1–2 µL of sample with Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Spectrophotometers. Our pioneering sample-retention technology has evolved across the full spectrum to bring you more knowledge about your sample, so that you can save days of troubleshooting and accelerate your research.

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Digital PCR for liquid biopsies

Eppendorf tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Digital PCR icon

Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assays

Enables reproducible, specific detection of known somatic mutations with wet-lab validated assays capable of detecting down to 0.1% variant allele frequency in genes relevant for cancer research.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for liquid biopsies

Ion Chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

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MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for liquid biopsies

Ampli Seq HD icon

Ion AmpliSeq HD Panels for Targeted NGS

Amplicon-based library preparation technology that gives you the power to design your own panels and find variants with a low limit of detection.

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Oncology Hematological icon

Oncomine Cell-Free Assays for Liquid Biopsy Clinical Research

Identify known somatic mutations, CNVs, and fusion genes with targeted NGS assays that are tumor-type specific. Also simultaneously detect DNA and RNA variants across multiple cancer types.

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Tumor Mutation Load Assay icon

Oncomine Precision Assay

Rapid, simultaneous detection of biomarkers across 50 genes from liquid biopsy samples, as well as solid tissue samples.

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S5 Instrument icon

Ion GeneStudio S5 Next-Generation Sequencing Systems

Rapidly and efficiently run small and large projects across multiple research applications, with a simple sample-to-data NGS workflow.

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SeqStudio series genetic analyzers

Get accurate results and reliable performance of Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, while leveraging design improvements and technological advances for increased flexibility, easier operation, enhanced connectivity, and remote serviceability.

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Capillary electrophoresis kits and reagents

Optimized and streamlined kits to help you prepare samples for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis applications on Applied Biosystems genetic analyzers. Our kits will help to keep your lab running at maximum efficiency.

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Data analysis and reporting

A wide portfolio of Applied Biosystems software solutions for viewing and interpreting your Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis results.

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 Application note: A complete next-generation sequencing workflow for circulating cell-free DNA isolation and analysis
In this study, a complete targeted sequencing workflow is presented for mutation detection from cfDNA, involving the isolation of cfDNA from plasma, followed by molecular characterization using Ion AmpliSeq technology and the Ion PGM System.

 Application note: Extraction and analysis of circulating cell-free DNA from plasma samples for lung cancer
In this study, we describe a method for extracting cfDNA from plasma samples of healthy donors and lung cancer patients using the Applied Biosystems MagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit, followed by digital PCR and next-generation sequencing analysis, which saves compared to traditional methods.

Exosome isolation workflow

Intact Exosome enrichment—Dynabeads Intact virus enrichment kit is designed for isolation of intact exosomes from plasma, serum, urine and cell culture.

Click on the product names or images to learn more
Dynabeads Intact Virus Enrichment

A 2ml vial with burgundy liquid og Dynabeads magnetic beads standing on a table next to a rectangular box

Sample typePlasma, serum, urine, cell culture
Magnetic beads
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western, Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
Automation compatibleYes
 Order now

 Application note: Bead based isolation of exosomes for multiomic research
Here we present a method for generic exosome isolation within 10 minutes using Invitrogen Dynabeads Intact Virus Enrichment magnetic beads. A panel of different methods was used to identify the isolated exosomes. Measurements of vesicle size and concentration were done by microfluidic resistive pulse sensing analysis.

Circulating tumor cells isolation workflow

CTC isolationDynabeads Epithelial Enrich is designed for positive isolation of circulating tumor cells from PBMC’s and whole blood. Dynabeads CD45 is designed for negative isolation of circulating tumor cells from PBMC’s and lysed whole blood through depletion of CD45+ leukocytes. Dynabeads MyOne CD45 is a highly efficient solution designed for depletion of human CD45 positive cells from whole blood, buffy coat, or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). By discarding the bead-bound cells, the product allows for the utilization of the remaining untouched rare target cells in downstream applications.

BiomarkerCirculating tumor cells
Click on the product names or images to learn more
Dynabeads Epithelial Enrich

A 5ml vial of burgundy liquid containing Dynabeads magnetic beads for isolation of circulating tumor cells

Dynabeads CD45

A 5ml vial of burgundy liquid containing Dynabeads magnetic beads for isolation of cells expressing CD45
Dynabeads MyOne CD45 Leukocyte Depletion

Dynabeads MyOne CD45 Leukocyte Depletion product photo
Sample typePBMC, bloodPBMC, bloodPBMC, Blood
Magnetic beads—positive cell isolationMagnetic beads—negative cell isolationMagnetic beads—improved performance negative cell isolation
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
Automation compatibleYesYesYes
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Digital PCR for liquid biopsies

Eppendorf tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Digital PCR icon

Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assays

Enables reproducible, specific detection of known somatic mutations with wet-lab validated assays capable of detecting down to 0.1% variant allele frequency in genes relevant for cancer research.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for liquid biopsies

Ion Chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

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Targeted sequencing icon

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for liquid biopsies

Ampli Seq HD icon

Ion AmpliSeq HD Panels for Targeted NGS

Amplicon-based library preparation technology that gives you the power to design your own panels and find variants with a low limit of detection.

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Oncology Hematological icon

Oncomine Cell-Free Assays for Liquid Biopsy Clinical Research

Identify known somatic mutations, CNVs, and fusion genes with targeted NGS assays that are tumor-type specific. Also simultaneously detect DNA and RNA variants across multiple cancer types.

Order now

Tumor Mutation Load Assay icon

Oncomine Precision Assay

Rapid, simultaneous detection of biomarkers across 50 genes from liquid biopsy samples, as well as solid tissue samples.

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S5 Instrument icon

Ion GeneStudio S5 Next-Generation Sequencing Systems

Rapidly and efficiently run small and large projects across multiple research applications, with a simple sample-to-data NGS workflow.

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BiomarkerCirculating tumor cells
Click on the product names or images to learn more
Dynabeads Epithelial Enrich

A 5ml vial of burgundy liquid containing Dynabeads magnetic beads for isolation of circulating tumor cells

Dynabeads CD45

A 5ml vial of burgundy liquid containing Dynabeads magnetic beads for isolation of cells expressing CD45
Dynabeads MyOne CD45 Leukocyte Depletion

Dynabeads MyOne CD45 Leukocyte Depletion product photo
Sample typePBMC, bloodPBMC, bloodPBMC, Blood
Magnetic beads—positive cell isolationMagnetic beads—negative cell isolationMagnetic beads—improved performance negative cell isolation
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, Western,
Immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry
Automation compatibleYesYesYes
 Order nowOrder nowOrder now

Digital PCR for liquid biopsies

Eppendorf tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Digital PCR icon

Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assays

Enables reproducible, specific detection of known somatic mutations with wet-lab validated assays capable of detecting down to 0.1% variant allele frequency in genes relevant for cancer research.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for liquid biopsies

Ion Chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

Order now

Targeted sequencing icon

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for liquid biopsies

Ampli Seq HD icon

Ion AmpliSeq HD Panels for Targeted NGS

Amplicon-based library preparation technology that gives you the power to design your own panels and find variants with a low limit of detection.

Get a quote

Oncology Hematological icon

Oncomine Cell-Free Assays for Liquid Biopsy Clinical Research

Identify known somatic mutations, CNVs, and fusion genes with targeted NGS assays that are tumor-type specific. Also simultaneously detect DNA and RNA variants across multiple cancer types.

Order now

Tumor Mutation Load Assay icon

Oncomine Precision Assay

Rapid, simultaneous detection of biomarkers across 50 genes from liquid biopsy samples, as well as solid tissue samples.

Order now

S5 Instrument icon

Ion GeneStudio S5 Next-Generation Sequencing Systems

Rapidly and efficiently run small and large projects across multiple research applications, with a simple sample-to-data NGS workflow.

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 Application note: Isolation of circulating tumor cells using Dynabeads magnetic beads
Invitrogen Dynabeads magnetic beads provide an automation-friendly tool for isolation of circulating biomarkers. Here we evaluate Dynabeads magnetic beads for feasibility in both positive and negative CTC isolation workflows.

Solid tumor solutions


Solid tumors are heterotypic aggregates of many cell types, including cancer cells, cancer stem cells, connective-tissue cells, and immune cells. Common sample types used to begin cancer research and detection include fresh-frozen (FF) or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample tissues. These are obtained through biopsy or excision of the malignant mass.

Sequential extractionMagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kit allows sequential isolation of DNA and RNA from the same formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sample.

Accurate and reproducible downstream results—MagMAX and Purelink kits for solid tumor nucleic acid purification are designed with optimized protocols and reagents for maximum yield and purity, helping ensure high-quality input for downstream applications.

Click through workflow steps for more information.

Sample processing for solid tumors

Process formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples for high-quality nucleic acid isolation and simplify deparaffinization. AutoLys M Tubes eliminate the need for solvent based deparaffinization and extensive hands on time for sample preprocessing.

AutoLys M
Tubes and Caps

AutoLys tubes allow for efficient FFPE deparrafinization

AutoLys M

AutoLys tube lifter allows for faster tube preprocessing

AutoLys M
Tube Locking Lid

AutoLys locking lid allows for fast tube preprocessing

AutoLys M
Tube Racks

AutoLys racks hold 24 AutoLys tubes

AutoLys M
Tube Pliers

AutoLys pliers are used to separate inner tube from outer tube

DescriptionAutoLys M Tubes are for the preparation of FFPE samples for nucleic acid extraction. They feature a novel tube-in-tube design that creates cleared lysates from FFPE tissue samples, without the need for tedious and harmful chemical-based deparaffinization or wash steps, while increasing DNA and RNA yields by minimizing sample loss.The AutoLys M TubeLifter enables a rack of 24 AutoLys M Tubes to be simultaneously “lifted” and readied for centrifugation. Once centrifugation is complete, the rack of tubes is returned to the TubeLifter and the inner tube of each AutoLys M Tube is separated from the outer tube.The AutoLys M Tube Locking lid is included with purchase of the AutoLys M TubeLifter. The locking lid is required to prevent the inner tube of the AutoLys M Tube from sliding into the outer tube during centrifugation.AutoLys M Tube Racks hold 24 AutoLys M Tubes per rack. The racks are locked and unlocked using the AutoLys M TubeLifter or the AutoLys M Tube Pliers.AutoLys M Tube Pliers can be used to separate the inner-tube from the outer-tube of AutoLys M Tubes. AutoLys M Tube Pliers can be used to separate the outer-tube of AutoLys M Tubes individually. After centrifugation, the outer-tube will contain the lysate that is processed further to recover nucleic acid within the MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra kit workflows.
FFPE curls, FFPE blocks
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Nucleic acid purification for solid tumors

We offer multiple solutions for extracting nucleic acid from solid tumor samples. Our kits are designed to provide maximum yield, purity, and integrity so that your purified nucleic acid can be used in a variety of downstream applications.


Click on the product names or images to learn more
KingFisher Apex

KingFisher Apex product image

MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit
MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit
MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit
MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit
PureLink FFPE RNA Isolation Kit
PureLink FFPE RNA Isolation Kit
Sample typeRNA, DNA, protein, cellsFFPE tissue samplesMultiple, including whole blood, swabs, tissue, and more
Now with expanded automation capabilities: bone marrow & large volume blood.
Blood, cells, liquid samples (e.g., serum), RNA, tissueFFPE tissue samples
Isolation technologyAutomated magnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beadsSilica spin column
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, western workflowRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microRNA analysisRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microarray analysisRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microRNA analysisMicroarray analysis, RT-qPCR, RT-PCR, northern  blotting, cDNA library construction
Automation compatibleYesYesYesYesNo
 Request a quoteOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now

Sample Quantification for solid tumors


Qubit Fluorometric Quantification

Qubit Fluorometers provide fast, accurate, and precise quantification of the DNA, RNA, or protein within a sample. The Qubit 4 and Qubit Flex Fluorometers use target-selective Qubit assays that fluoresce when bound specifically to the target molecules of interest. Learn how the quantification of these analytes is important for downstream applications like next generation sequencing (NGS), PCR, transfection, western blotting, and immunoassays.

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NanoDrop Microvolume Spectrophotometers

Quickly quantify DNA, RNA, and protein using only 1–2 µL of sample with Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Spectrophotometers. Our pioneering sample-retention technology has evolved across the full spectrum to bring you more knowledge about your sample, so that you can save days of troubleshooting and accelerate your research.

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Digital PCR for solid tumors

Eppendorf Tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for solid tumors

Ion chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

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Targeted sequencing icon

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for solid tumors

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of solutions for solid tumor research and detection. Browse our Oncomine Assays and tumor-specific panels and find the right products to meet your specific tumor research needs.

Find tumor-specific assays

Oncomine Bladder Panel
Oncomine Bladder Panel
Oncomine Colorectal and Pancreatic Panel

Oncomine Colorectal and Pancreatic Panel
Oncomine Gynecological Panel

Oncomine Gynecological Panel
Oncomine Kidney Panel
Oncomine Kidney Panel
Oncomine Lymphoma Panel

Oncomine Lymphoma Panel
Oncomine Prostate Panel
Oncomine Prostate Panel
Oncomine BRCA Expanded Panel

Oncomine BRCA Expanded Panel
Oncomine Gastric and Esophageal Panel

Oncomine Gastric and Esophageal Panel
Oncomine Tumor Specific RNA Panel

Oncomine Tumor Specific RNA Panel
Oncomine Liver Panel
Oncomine Liver Panel
Oncomine Melanoma Panel

Oncomine Melanoma Panel
Oncomine HRR Pathway Predesigned Panel

Oncomine HRR Pathway Predesigned Panel

Data analysis & reporting for solid tumors

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer icon

Torrent Suite Software

Customizable, automated sequencing data analysis.


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Ion Reporter icon

Ion Reporter Software

Fast, simple variant calling and annotation of SNPs, indels, CNVs, and fusions.

Access Ion Reporter software

Informatics icon

Oncomine Reporter

Summarize relevant cancer drivers in a simple report that links sample-specific variants to labels, guidelines, and current global clinical trials.

Request more info on the Oncomine Reporter


SeqStudio series genetic analyzers

Get accurate results and reliable performance of Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, while leveraging design improvements and technological advances for increased flexibility, easier operation, enhanced connectivity, and remote serviceability.

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Capillary electrophoresis kits and reagents

Optimized and streamlined kits to help you prepare samples for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis applications on Applied Biosystems genetic analyzers. Our kits will help to keep your lab running at maximum efficiency.

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TrueMark MSI Assay

A rapid and compatible workflow that has a panel of 13 microsatellite markers to test for MSI associated with Lynch syndrome-related cancers beyond colorectal cancer and studying immunotherapy.

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Data analysis and reporting

A wide portfolio of Applied Biosystems software solutions for viewing and interpreting your Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis results.

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Sample processing for solid tumors

Process formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples for high-quality nucleic acid isolation and simplify deparaffinization. AutoLys M Tubes eliminate the need for solvent based deparaffinization and extensive hands on time for sample preprocessing.

AutoLys M
Tubes and Caps

AutoLys tubes allow for efficient FFPE deparrafinization

AutoLys M

AutoLys tube lifter allows for faster tube preprocessing

AutoLys M
Tube Locking Lid

AutoLys locking lid allows for fast tube preprocessing

AutoLys M
Tube Racks

AutoLys racks hold 24 AutoLys tubes

AutoLys M
Tube Pliers

AutoLys pliers are used to separate inner tube from outer tube

DescriptionAutoLys M Tubes are for the preparation of FFPE samples for nucleic acid extraction. They feature a novel tube-in-tube design that creates cleared lysates from FFPE tissue samples, without the need for tedious and harmful chemical-based deparaffinization or wash steps, while increasing DNA and RNA yields by minimizing sample loss.The AutoLys M TubeLifter enables a rack of 24 AutoLys M Tubes to be simultaneously “lifted” and readied for centrifugation. Once centrifugation is complete, the rack of tubes is returned to the TubeLifter and the inner tube of each AutoLys M Tube is separated from the outer tube.The AutoLys M Tube Locking lid is included with purchase of the AutoLys M TubeLifter. The locking lid is required to prevent the inner tube of the AutoLys M Tube from sliding into the outer tube during centrifugation.AutoLys M Tube Racks hold 24 AutoLys M Tubes per rack. The racks are locked and unlocked using the AutoLys M TubeLifter or the AutoLys M Tube Pliers.AutoLys M Tube Pliers can be used to separate the inner-tube from the outer-tube of AutoLys M Tubes. AutoLys M Tube Pliers can be used to separate the outer-tube of AutoLys M Tubes individually. After centrifugation, the outer-tube will contain the lysate that is processed further to recover nucleic acid within the MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra kit workflows.
FFPE curls, FFPE blocks
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Nucleic acid purification for solid tumors

We offer multiple solutions for extracting nucleic acid from solid tumor samples. Our kits are designed to provide maximum yield, purity, and integrity so that your purified nucleic acid can be used in a variety of downstream applications.


Click on the product names or images to learn more
KingFisher Apex

KingFisher Apex product image

MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit
MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit
MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit
MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit
PureLink FFPE RNA Isolation Kit
PureLink FFPE RNA Isolation Kit
Sample typeRNA, DNA, protein, cellsFFPE tissue samplesMultiple, including whole blood, swabs, tissue, and more
Now with expanded automation capabilities: bone marrow & large volume blood.
Blood, cells, liquid samples (e.g., serum), RNA, tissueFFPE tissue samples
Isolation technologyAutomated magnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beadsMagnetic beadsSilica spin column
Downstream applicationsRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, western workflowRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microRNA analysisRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microarray analysisRT-PCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, microRNA analysisMicroarray analysis, RT-qPCR, RT-PCR, northern  blotting, cDNA library construction
Automation compatibleYesYesYesYesNo
 Request a quoteOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now

Sample Quantification for solid tumors


Qubit Fluorometric Quantification

Qubit Fluorometers provide fast, accurate, and precise quantification of the DNA, RNA, or protein within a sample. The Qubit 4 and Qubit Flex Fluorometers use target-selective Qubit assays that fluoresce when bound specifically to the target molecules of interest. Learn how the quantification of these analytes is important for downstream applications like next generation sequencing (NGS), PCR, transfection, western blotting, and immunoassays.

Request a quote or demo


NanoDrop Microvolume Spectrophotometers

Quickly quantify DNA, RNA, and protein using only 1–2 µL of sample with Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Spectrophotometers. Our pioneering sample-retention technology has evolved across the full spectrum to bring you more knowledge about your sample, so that you can save days of troubleshooting and accelerate your research.

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Digital PCR for solid tumors

Eppendorf Tube icon

Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix

Accurate, sensitive, and precise dPCR data with a master mix specifically formulated to enable analysis of higher sample volumes. Delivers accurate quantification of DNA targets without using a standard curve.

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Absolute-Q Closed icon

QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System

Sensitive and precise digital PCR data can be collected in as little as 90 minutes with a simple one-step workflow.

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Library preparation for solid tumors

Ion chef icon

Ion Chef Instrument for Automated Library Preparation

Fully automates library preparation, template preparation, and produces sequencing-ready Ion Torrent semiconductor chips.

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Targeted sequencing icon

Dynabeads Streptavidin for Target Enrichment

Efficiently capture DNA sequences of interest through specific hybridization via immobilization of target-specific biotinylated probes to streptavidin coated beads.

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Targeted sequencing icon

MagMAX Pure Bind Beads

High performance cleanup and size selection beads designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows. Optimized to achieve >90% recovery of fragments larger than 90 bps. Added efficiency of ambient temperature storage and affordable pricing without compromising on performance.

Optimize your cleanup

Next generation sequencing for solid tumors

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of solutions for solid tumor research and detection. Browse our Oncomine Assays and tumor-specific panels and find the right products to meet your specific tumor research needs.

Find tumor-specific assays

Oncomine Bladder Panel
Oncomine Bladder Panel
Oncomine Colorectal and Pancreatic Panel

Oncomine Colorectal and Pancreatic Panel
Oncomine Gynecological Panel

Oncomine Gynecological Panel
Oncomine Kidney Panel
Oncomine Kidney Panel
Oncomine Lymphoma Panel

Oncomine Lymphoma Panel
Oncomine Prostate Panel
Oncomine Prostate Panel
Oncomine BRCA Expanded Panel

Oncomine BRCA Expanded Panel
Oncomine Gastric and Esophageal Panel

Oncomine Gastric and Esophageal Panel
Oncomine Tumor Specific RNA Panel

Oncomine Tumor Specific RNA Panel
Oncomine Liver Panel
Oncomine Liver Panel
Oncomine Melanoma Panel

Oncomine Melanoma Panel
Oncomine HRR Pathway Predesigned Panel

Oncomine HRR Pathway Predesigned Panel

Data analysis & reporting for solid tumors

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer icon

Torrent Suite Software

Customizable, automated sequencing data analysis.


Visit our NGS software support page

Ion Reporter icon

Ion Reporter Software

Fast, simple variant calling and annotation of SNPs, indels, CNVs, and fusions.

Access Ion Reporter software

Informatics icon

Oncomine Reporter

Summarize relevant cancer drivers in a simple report that links sample-specific variants to labels, guidelines, and current global clinical trials.

Request more info on the Oncomine Reporter


SeqStudio series genetic analyzers

Get accurate results and reliable performance of Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, while leveraging design improvements and technological advances for increased flexibility, easier operation, enhanced connectivity, and remote serviceability.

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Capillary electrophoresis kits and reagents

Optimized and streamlined kits to help you prepare samples for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis applications on Applied Biosystems genetic analyzers. Our kits will help to keep your lab running at maximum efficiency.

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TrueMark MSI Assay

A rapid and compatible workflow that has a panel of 13 microsatellite markers to test for MSI associated with Lynch syndrome-related cancers beyond colorectal cancer and studying immunotherapy.

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Data analysis and reporting

A wide portfolio of Applied Biosystems software solutions for viewing and interpreting your Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis results.

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KingFisher Apex purification instrument

Automate your liquid biopsy sample preparation with KingFisher sample purification systems

Dynabeads magnetic beads enable higher-throughput applications for which samples can be processed in 24- or 96-well plates on the KingFisher family of instruments. Sample types include RNA, DNA, proteins, cells and exosomes.

Learn more about KingFisher sample purification systems

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Style Sheet for Global Design System
Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments
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