Cell Counting Information

Cell counting can be a critical step in any experiment that involves comparing different cell populations or responses. In this section you will find application notes, videos and technical guides to help you achieve more accurate cell counts and ultimately more accurate results.

Cell counting features

White paper

White paper

The four pillars of achieving accurate and precise cell counts

Regardless of the chosen cell counting method, achieving an accurate and precise count from repetitive counts of a single sample or across multiple samples is critical, yet sometimes challenging. Learn the four pillars of accurate and precise cell counting to help your lab minimize variability and maximize cell counting confidence.

Application note

Application note

Comparison of cell counting methods

The most common method for counting cells uses a microscope and hemocytometer. Advancements in imaging technology have enabled the automation of cell counting, providing improved accuracy and reliability, with much less time and effort. This application note compares these two methods.

Cell counting learning resources

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Application note (2011)Novel detection and direct cell counting of marine, photosynthetic picoplankton by flow cytometryAttune/Attune NxT, cell counting, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, flow cytometry sample preparation
Application note (2015)Fluorescent viability assays on the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counterautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, EVOS, fluorescent dyes, ReadyProbes, viability
Application note (2015)Fluorescent protein reporter gene transduction efficiency measured with the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counterautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, EVOS, fluorescent dyes, genetic transduction
Application note (2015)Fluorescent apoptosis evaluation on the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counterapoptosis, automated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, EVOS, fluorescent dyes, viability
Application note (2015)Comparison of cell counting using Countess II Automated Cell Counters vs. hemocytometersautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, hemocytometer
Application note (2016)Blood cell counting using the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counterautomated cell counter, brightfield microscopy, cell counting, cell counting sample preparation, Countess, EVOS, fluorescent dyes, immunophenotyping, ReadyProbes
Application note (2017)Simple and accurate monitoring of adipogenesisadipocyte, adipogenesis, automated cell counter, cell differentiation, Countess, EVOS, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, live-cell imaging, onstage incubator, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2009)Automated cell counting at your fingertipsautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, fluorescent dyes, viability
BioProbes article (2010)Easy and accurate counting of stem cellsautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2014)Obtain the highest-quality data your system can deliver—Fluorescent microspheres for calibrating microscopes and flow cytometerscalibration, cell counting, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, flow cytometer set up and calibration, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, immunophenotyping, microscope calibration, particles
BioProbes article (2014)Introducing a three-channel cell counter for your benchtop—The new and improved Countess II FL Automated Cell Countercell counting, automated cell counter, brightfield microscopy, Countess, EVOS fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging
BioProbes article (2015)Fluorescence-based viability assays for the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter—Incorporate automation into your cell analysis workflowsautomated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, EVOS, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, viability
BioProbes article (2016)High-Speed Cell Counting With the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer—Accurately measure cell concentrations by flow cytometryAttune/Attune NxT, cell concentration, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, microbiology, viability
Molecular Probes HandbookAssays for cell enumeration, cell proliferation and cell cycle—Section 15.4cell counting, cell cycle, cell proliferation
Scientific poster (2008)Cell-based potassium ion channel screening with the FluxOR Assay BacMam technology, cell counting, Countess, fluorescent dyes, high content analysis, ion flux/ion channels, microplate reader
Scientific poster (2008)Improving downstream results with automated cell counting automated cell counter, BacMam technology, cell counting, cell expansion, cell isolation, Countess, fluorescent dyes, hemocytometer, ion flux/ion channels, microplate reader
Scientific poster (2009)Accuracy and precision comparison of the hemocytometer and automated cell counting methods automated cell counter, cell counting, Countess, hemocytometer, particles, viability
Scientific poster (2012)A novel no-wash, no-lyse method for residual leukocyte enumeration using acoustic focusing flow cytometry and a cell-membrane permeant DNA dye Attune/Attune NxT, cell counting, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, flow cytometry sample preparation, fluorescent dyes, immunophenotyping, rare-event detection, violet laser-excited reagents
Scientific poster (2016)No-lyse no-wash new strategy for CD34+ for absolute cell counting without beads antibodies, Attune/Attune NxT, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, flow cytometry compensation, immunophenotyping, multicolor flow cytometry, particles
WebinarDNA content cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry 
Find out how careful acquisition and methodical preparation contribute to accurate and consistent DNA analysis. In this webinar we'll discuss: An overview of the methods and materials for using flow cytometry to determine cell cycle by measuring DNA content Selection of DNA dyes for live cell and fixed cell analysis Tips and tricks for consistent results
cell counting, cell cycle, cell proliferation, flow cytometer/flow cytometry
White paper (2015)Accuracy and precision with the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counterautomated cell counter, brightfield microscopy, cell counting, Countess
