
Read what your colleagues have been saying

An increasing number of scientists now prefer to use magnetic beads for their immunoprecipitation. 60% of scientists asked indicate they will start using magnetic technology within 1–3 years.

(Source: Survey conducted in December 2010, sample size of 1,013 scientists).

“I have used Dynabeads in many of my experiments with excellent results: high yield and low background.”  Iacoanne, SUNY Downstate

“I like working with Dynabeads Protein G because they cut the time it takes me to do immunoprecipitations by almost half. The magnet is very easy to work with and the immunoprecipitations also come out clean on the western blot.”  Archana Vijayakumar, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

“Very efficient for IP. Saves a lot of time and almost always gives you the result you want.”  Marianne Skeie Rodland, University of Oslo

“I love how simple these are to use. They also save me a lot of time by not having to preclear or obsess about the wash steps.”  Jody Lingbeck, University of Arkansas

“Very user friendly system giving results of good quality with high reproducibility.”  Britta Cebitec, Bielefeld University

“Dynabeads are a very useful system for immunoprecipitation, they allow to perform the experiments in a short time and it's very easy to separate beads from buffer. I will definitely continue to use them!”  Silvia, NYU Medical Center

“I love the ease of this reagent. Faster and cleaner.”  Bikaya, University of Utah

“I used Dynabeads Protein G for studies of protein-protein interaction and it worked very well.”  Laura, DIMES University of Genova

“Dynabeads Protein G is very easy/convenient to work with. Compared to the conventional immunoprecipitation, it cuts experimental time by almost half with cleaner background.”  Jenny Wei, Florida Atlantic University

“Dynabeads Protein G are so easy to work with and the background is minimal. And the fact that I don't have to go in and out of the cold room and spin everything down after each wash is a huge convenience/time saver. I don't know what I would ever do without them now.”  Dr Charu Chandrasekera, Wayne State University

“The background in chromatin IP assays in lower than the slurry sepharose beads.”  Marla Martin, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.