

Automated brightfield and fluorescence cell counting options to extend your research

兩款Countess型號都是快速且簡便的全自動細胞計數儀,結合了人工智慧技術,即使面對具挑戰性的樣品也能提供卓越的準確度和精密度。依據具體需求,在配備明視野細胞計數的Countess 3自動細胞計數儀與同時具備明視野和螢光雙重模式的Countess 3 FL自動細胞計數儀之間進行選擇。

哪款Countess 3自動細胞計數儀最適合您?

Automated cell counter selection guide


Countess 3自動細胞計數儀

Countess 3 FL自動細胞計數儀








Automated cell counter comparison table


While the Countess II/II FL models are no longer available, the Countess 3/3 FL boasts a myriad of enhanced features designed to help streamline cell counting processes with exceptional accuracy and precision.  Explore the detailed comparison between Countess II/II FL and Countess 3/3 FL Automated cell counters below.



* Countess 3自動細胞計數儀的新特色

Which Countess 3 automated cell counter is best for you?

Both Countess 3 models work the same way and share common features

  • Accurate and precise
  • Fast
  • Simple
  • 21 CFR Part 11 compliance support software 
  • Automated
  • Applications beyond counting
  • Reusable slide compatible

Both models accurately count “difficult” samples such as those containing clumpy cells or debris, and both reduce variability between users, helping increase reproducibility.


The key difference between the models is that the Countess 3 instrument counts in brightfield mode only, while the Countess 3 FL instrument can count in either brightfield only or brightfield and fluorescence mode using interchangeable EVOS LED light cubes. Fluorescence capabilities open up additional application options for the Countess 3 FL instrument, and can extend your research beyond just GFP and RFP with 14 EVOS LED light cubes to choose from.


Looking for information about Countess II Automated Cell Counters? See Countess II resources.

