Radiation, chemical and narcotics incidents expose all elements of society to fatal risks. Our vast range of identification and detection devices save lives and prevent disaster - any mission, any scenario. Thermo Scientific instruments help emergency and first responder personnel keep themselves and our world safer.
From routine security monitoring and surveillance to emergency response situations, integrated analytical instruments help safety and security professionals detect and mitigate hazardous materials, narcotics, and chemical weapons and agents to keep the public and themselves safe.
Radiation detectors utilize technology that separates atoms into positive ions and electrons, which are then attracted to electrodes, causing a current to flow, and an electric signal to be generated. These electric signals can be measured as the amount of radiation. However, in real-world, field settings, naturally occurring radiation exists in varying levels from the earth and atmosphere, which can obscure and confuse targeted detection efforts.
Natural Background Rejection (NBR) is a technology used to eliminate fluctuating natural background levels while measuring radiation. This proprietary and patented technology is used to quickly differentiate between natural and artificial radiation by stripping away any natural background radiation that is registering, delivering you a more accurate result of artificial radiation levels. Operators using instruments without NBR often set their alarm thresholds higher to eliminate the nuisances of false alarms or ignore alarms due to their frequency potentially missing out on hidden or shielded sources. Using an instrument with NBR allows you to keep your alarm threshold extremely low without the need to worry about false alarms from non-threatening sources so when the alarm goes off, you know it is time to take action and act.
Dosimetry instruments measure and monitor the radiation dose absorbed in the body resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation. Some jobs regularly expose workers to limited amounts of radiation, and workers are required to wear a dosimeter in order to monitor and track cumulative radiation exposure against a prescribed annual radiation dose limit. Safety and security personnel, especially those tasked with threat detection, can be protected by monitoring any exposure using dosimetry technology. Similarly, working environments where radiation exposure could occur can be monitored over a large area using environmental dosimetry systems.
For the presumptive identification or detection of narcotics, hazardous materials, chemical agents, explosives, and radiological threats only.