SNP Genotyping Using Real-Time PCR showcase

When, where, and under what conditions are genes expressed? What triggers, or prevents, this expression? Scientists are discovering the surprisingly wide range of products of transcription and translation, and how these different expression products determine the growth and health of an organism.

With carefully selected content, TaqMan gene expression assays and arrays can generate high-quality data for a broad range of studies, providing over 2.3 million pre-designed primer/probe sets covering more than 30 species.

Our new Vietnam channel partners specializing in genetic analytic products are here to support you.

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Common gene expression research applications:

Real-time PCR

  • Cancer research
  • Immuno-Oncology
  • Neurodegenerative and complex disease
  • Validate results from other technologies (NGS, Microarray)
  • Pathway analysis
  • Biomarker signatures
  • eQTL analysis
  • Mid- to high-throughput studies using the  OpenArray platform

We have developed two chemistries for the sensitive, accurate quantification of mRNA using real-time PCR: Applied Biosystems TaqMan probe–based chemistry, and Applied Biosystems SYBR Green dye–based chemistry.

Real-time PCR gene expression workflow:

Isolate RNA

Isolate RNA


Isolate RNA using methods that preserve RNA integrity and expression profiles.

RNA isolation kits   Learn more ›

Single Cell-to-CT Kit
For single cell analysis   Order now ›

Cells-to-CT kits
Rapid, simple protocol for RT-PCR sample prep without RNA extraction   Order now ›

TRIzol Reagent
Prepare high-quality, intact RNA from any biological material   Order now ›

mirVana miRNA isolation kits
Rapid isolation of small RNAs   Order now ›

Design and optimize primers

Design and optimize primers


Not required for Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays. These assays have passed our industry leading bioinformatics design criteria.

For SYBR primer design: Primer Express

Reverse transcription

Reverse transcription


Convert your RNA into cDNA, over a wide range of RNA concentrations.

SuperScript IV VILO Master Mix
Two-step master mix for RT-qPCR applications - enabling earlier Ct values and improved data reproducibility, even with inhibitor-containing RNA samples.
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Other SuperScript reverse transcriptase formats
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Amplify cDNA

Amplify cDNA

Single Tube TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
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Single Tube Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays 
Find my Custom Assay ›

TaqMan Gene Expression Array Cards and Plates
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TaqMan OpenArray Plates
Find my OpenArray ›

TaqMan Real-Time PCR Master Mixes
Find my Master Mix ›

SYBR Green Master Mixes
Amplify your cDNA using Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green master mix & custom primers   Find my Master Mix ›

Custom Primers and Primer Express Software
Design and order custom primers for SYBR Green detection   Find custom primers ›

Run qPCR

Run qPCR


Instruments for real time PCR

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QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System
Simple to use for all levels of experience

QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System
Easy controls for optimized experiments

QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System
High flexibility and intuitive design

QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
High versatility and intuitive design

QuantStudio 12k Flex Real-Time PCR System
Maximum throughput, flexibility, and scalability




Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications

Applied Biosystems qPCR analysis modules
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ExpressionSuite software
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Isolate RNA

Isolate RNA


Isolate RNA using methods that preserve RNA integrity and expression profiles.

RNA isolation kits   Learn more ›

Single Cell-to-CT Kit
For single cell analysis   Order now ›

Cells-to-CT kits
Rapid, simple protocol for RT-PCR sample prep without RNA extraction   Order now ›

TRIzol Reagent
Prepare high-quality, intact RNA from any biological material   Order now ›

mirVana miRNA isolation kits
Rapid isolation of small RNAs   Order now ›

Design and optimize primers

Design and optimize primers


Not required for Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays. These assays have passed our industry leading bioinformatics design criteria.

For SYBR primer design: Primer Express

Reverse transcription

Reverse transcription


Convert your RNA into cDNA, over a wide range of RNA concentrations.

SuperScript IV VILO Master Mix
Two-step master mix for RT-qPCR applications - enabling earlier Ct values and improved data reproducibility, even with inhibitor-containing RNA samples.
Order now ›

Other SuperScript reverse transcriptase formats
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Amplify cDNA

Amplify cDNA

Single Tube TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
Find my Assay ›

Single Tube Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays 
Find my Custom Assay ›

TaqMan Gene Expression Array Cards and Plates
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TaqMan OpenArray Plates
Find my OpenArray ›

TaqMan Real-Time PCR Master Mixes
Find my Master Mix ›

SYBR Green Master Mixes
Amplify your cDNA using Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green master mix & custom primers   Find my Master Mix ›

Custom Primers and Primer Express Software
Design and order custom primers for SYBR Green detection   Find custom primers ›

Run qPCR

Run qPCR


Instruments for real time PCR

Compare instruments ›

QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System
Simple to use for all levels of experience

QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System
Easy controls for optimized experiments

QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System
High flexibility and intuitive design

QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
High versatility and intuitive design

QuantStudio 12k Flex Real-Time PCR System
Maximum throughput, flexibility, and scalability




Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications

Applied Biosystems qPCR analysis modules
Learn more ›

ExpressionSuite software
Learn more ›

Alternatives and options when performing gene expression using real-time PCR (qPCR) or digital PCR

  • TaqMan Gene Expression Assay formats
    Available formats in pre-configured, configurable, or custom options based on your research needs, throughput, and number of targets.

  • Digital PCR (dPCR)
    Rare target detection and Absolute quantification of nucleic acid standards & next-generation sequencing libraries

  • TaqMan PreAmp Master Mix
    Amplify your cDNA before using it for the real-time PCR reaction. It will increase the amount of cDNA available for subsequent reactions without creating bias in the relative amount of cDNA represented in your sample. This method can be used to help enable single-cell studies.

  • One-step RT-PCR reagents
    By combining reverse transcription (RT) and real-time PCR amplification (qPCR) reagents into a single reaction, you are able to reduce the number of hands-on manipulations required as well as the total time to process your samples and get data. It is ideal for situations where many samples are being screened for a few targets, or when automating your experiments with liquid handling systems. One potential drawback is that all of the cDNA is used in the qPCR, so none is left over for later use.

  • Cells-to-CT kits and other integrated sample preparation/real-time PCR products
    These products eliminate the need for nucleic acid purification, creating much simpler experimental protocols and reducing the effort for sample preparation to just a few minutes.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.