From routine monitoring and surveillance to emergency response situations, Thermo Fisher Scientific’s advanced, integrated radiation detection and measurement instruments mitigate radiological threats to keep you safe. Our product portfolio of radiation detectors, radiation monitoring devices, and radiation measurement instruments provide comprehensive, real-time monitoring, early warning, and complete dose and exposure information in the palm of your hand, in the workplace, and in your neighborhood.
From individual personnel monitoring to enterprise-wide dose management solutions, our range of dosimetry products and services can meet your current and future radiation protection requirements.
Protection goes wherever you go with our compact, portable radiation detection and identification instruments. We offer the pager sized Thermo Scientific RadEye line, featuring patented Natural Background Rejection (NBR) technology, to detect, locate, and identify radioactive nuclides such as nuclear weapons, dirty bombs, and orphaned or purposely masked sources. We also offer a wide range of alpha and beta probes well suited for applications in nuclear medical labs, industrial facilities, geological surveys, hospitals, and academia.
Naturally occurring radiation exists in varying levels from the earth and atmosphere as well as non-threatening artificial radiation exists from medical treatments or as sources in gauging instruments, which can obscure and confuse targeted detection efforts.
Natural Background Rejection (NBR) is a technology used to eliminate fluctuating natural background levels without sacrificing sensitivity. This proprietary and patented technology quickly differentiates between natural and artificial radiation and strips it from the measurement, delivering you an instant and more accurate result of artificial radiation levels. Operators using instruments without NBR often set their alarm thresholds higher to eliminate the nuisances of false alarms or ignore alarms due to their frequency potentially missing out on hidden or shielded sources. Using an instrument with NBR allows you to keep your alarm threshold extremely low without the need to worry about false alarms from non-threatening sources. When a RadEye the alarm goes off, you know it is time to take actionact.
Answer a few questions about your application and discover the right RadEye personal radiation detector for your job.
Our portable radiation detectors are designed to meet a diverse range of working environments. With key ease of use and advanced detections features, our portable radiation detection products ensure the safety and peace of mind of users. Backed by our decades of experience in radiation detection technology, Thermo Fisher Scientific continues to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions for portable radiation detection.
Thermo Scientific portal monitoring systems deliver highly sensitive, accurate detection of illicit nuclear materials inside packages or cargo at airports, seaports, borders, government buildings, food storage and handling facilities, transportation stations, couriers, and freight companies. Our portal monitors also help scrap metal facilities avoid costly and damaging contamination events from uncontrolled sources.
Achieve the best radiation contamination detection limits possible with Thermo Scientific radiation contamination measurement systems. Employees who work in radiation-controlled areas of nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities can become contaminated with trace amounts of radiation on their bodies, clothes, and equipment. To prevent the spread of radioactive contamination beyond the controlled area and keep outside areas secure, we offer a range of personnel contamination monitors to survey the body, hands and feet, small and large articles, and laundry.
Keep your plant, the environment, and surrounding communities safe from nuclear radiation leaks with Thermo Scientific environmental monitors. We can help you achieve event-free operation with reliable, continuous environmental radiation monitoring and assessment equipment to meet the most demanding safety objectives within and outside of your facility. Our environmental monitors support and sustain nuclear safety by measuring radioactive material or noble gases released by nuclear power plants, and by detecting airborne alpha- and beta-emitting particulates in work areas, stacks, and ducts.
For radiation measurement, identification, or monitoring only.