
Reliable rheological property measurements from sample preparation to data interpretation

With its ability to study the flow behavior and deformation of a wide range of materials, rheology plays an essential role in both product development and quality control. By measuring rheological properties, lab technicians and scientists can do everything from predicting the shelf life of cosmetics to improving the texture of foods to determining the viscoelastic properties of polymeric materials.


As novel materials and formulations are developed and the turnaround times for product batches accelerate, labs are under pressure to produce consistently high-quality products and rapidly bring them to market.  Whether you are a beginner or advanced user, our intuitive and powerful Thermo Scientific HAAKE rheometers and viscometers are designed to help you get fast and consistent results across a wide range of sample types.   

Rheometer and viscometer capabilities

Fast, reliable rheological measurements

Benefit from intuitive user guidance, help with sample loading and trimming, and easy-to-create measuring procedures to get the quick, reliable results you need. 

Rheology instruments

Choose the right instrument for the job from our comprehensive offerings—whether it is verifying batch consistency or creating a new formulation. 

Rheometer accessories

Take advantage of our modular approach that lets you add the accessories you need according to your application and with increasing demands over time. 

Hyphenated rheological techniques

Obtain microscopic and molecular data about your materials by combining rheology with complementary techniques.                                                                                   

Rheological applications

Acquire the data you need for your specific application—whether it is routine viscosity and yield stress measurements or advanced investigations into tribology, texture analysis, and phase transitions.

Rheometer and viscometer support and training

Get the help you need, right when you need it, with our flexible, modular approach to service and training.                                                                                                          
