High-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) MS is essential for top-down proteomics. HRAM MS resolves both co-eluting intact proteins as well as isotopic peaks of highly charged, large intact proteins, enabling both charge state and accurate mass determination. Additionally, due to the number of product ions generated during intact protein fragmentation, high-resolution mass analysis is required for accurate detection and assignment of product ion identities to the resulting, highly complex MS/MS spectra.
In addition to HRAM MS, novel high dynamic (HD) range electron transfer dissociation (ETD) allows fragmentation of a larger population of precursor ions, increasing detection limits and dynamic range. The higher efficiency of ETD HD experiments provides greater sequence coverage at faster acquisition rates, offering the possibility of new ETD experiments on a liquid chromatography (LC) time scale.
UVPD, a new fragmentation technique achieved with a 213 nm UV laser enables increased sequence coverage for top‑down analysis.