
Introducing the Orbitrap Ascend Editions Tribrid MS

Eliminate the guesswork from your purchase decision with the MultiOmics, BioPharma, and Structural Biology Editions of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid Mass Spectrometer. Simplify your decisions and streamline your research with a tailored configuration for your unique application space.


Employ cutting edge native structural and biopharmaceutical analyses with multiple fragmentation and ion manipulation techniques. With the new Native MS option, detect protein complexes up to m/z 16,000 in the Orbitrap mass analyzer and isolate proteoforms up to m/z 8,000 with an isolation width as low as m/z 5 in the quadrupole.


Quantify more peptides, identify more proteins, confidently assign more labile-PTMs, and discover more previously undetectable protein complexes. Characterize proteoforms and modified compounds with more precision than ever before. 

Orbitrap Ascend MultiOmics Tribrid MS

Discover more from metabolomics to proteomics.

Orbitrap Ascend Structural Biology Tribrid MS

Take advantage of ultimate versatility for native protein characterization.

Orbitrap Ascend BioPharma Tribrid MS

Successfully characterize your most complex biotherapeutics.

“I'm delighted that we now have an Orbitrap Ascend Structural Biology Edition, because this Tribrid mass spectrometer has transformed our ability to study complicated systems.”


Professor Dame Carol Robinson, DBE FRS FMedSci FRSC
Dr. Lee's Professor of Chemistry
Director of the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery at Oxford

System highlights

Spend less time on instrument set-up and focus on your science

With the integrated Auto-Ready ion source, trigger on-demand or scheduled system calibrations remotely and without disruption to your LC-MS system.

Gain increased characterization from lipids to intact proteins to oligonucleotides with orthogonal fragmentation  

The Orbitrap Ascend Editions mass spectrometers have multiple fragmentation techniques that provide complementary information.

  • Standard collision-induced dissociation (CID) and higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) can be used for multiple analytes.
  • Optional electron transfer dissociation (ETD) increases coverage for proteins and glycopeptide experiments, and ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) benefits protein, oligonucleotide, and lipid analysis.

Study the largest protein complexes using native MS techniques, all on the same system as bottom-up proteomics techniques

The Native MS option comprises the extension of the Orbitrap mass range to m/z 16,000, ion trap ion isolation up to 8,000 with MSn capabilities, and more sensitive and selective extended quadrupole isolation up to m/z 8,000. With the Native MS option, you can detect large protein complexes and characterize the subunits by multiple fragmentation techniques.

Environmentally friendly dry pumps decrease energy usage and maintenance

By changing the fore pumps from oil-based to a dry pump, we reduce the heat output by 22%. They also eliminate the production of oil vapors and the need for oil checks and changes, lowering maintenance.

The Orbitrap Ascend Editions mass spectrometers have also received the ACT label, the standard for determining the environmental impact of laboratory products to help labs make informed, sustainable purchasing decisions.

Software solutions for your application

Streamlined instrument control software across all next-generation Thermo Scientific platforms for ease-of-use through different systems. Edition-specific application templates are ready to use and built into the method editor so you can get meaningful results faster.

Precision high-performance LC instruments

The Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC family of systems delivers maximum performance 24/7 for reproducible nano-, capillary-, and/or micro-flow LC-MS. Combine the Vanquish Horizon, Duo, or Flex UHPLC with your BioPharma applications, or use the Neo UHPLC Vanquish Neo in nano or capillary flow for your MultiOmics or Structural Biology experiments.


Explore Vanquish UHPLC

We’ve got a column for that!

Solve your chromatography challenges with HPLC and UHPLC columns for all of your separation needs. Thermo Scientific (U)HPLC columns offer an unmatched variety of chemistries, from the most popular C18 phases to innovative mixed-mode chemistries, to the broadest range of solid core columns on the market, and more.


Explore HPLC/UHPLC columns

Ion mobility

The Thermo Scientific FAIMS Pro Duo interface extends differential ion mobility capability to multiple Thermo Scientific next-generation mass spectrometers, overcoming sample complexity and matrix interferences, delivering increased productivity and data quality.


Explore FAIMs Pro Duo

Connect projects, people, and instruments on a global level

The Thermo Scientific Ardia Platform is a scalable software solution for modern, dynamic and often cloud-based environments. It connects and organizes projects, people, and instruments, on a global level, with web-based access and secure centralized data storage, enabling scientists to collaborate more efficiently and gain new insights faster, helping them get closer to the truth.


Explore Ardia Platform
