What is the sample matrix?
You can think of the sample matrix as anything in a sample except the analytes of interest, which includes everything from salts to other compounds and solvents. The matrix-type can dictate the sample preparation, the mode of chromatography, and the detection method. Understanding the sample matrix is a fundamental consideration in method development.
What are matrix effects?
Matrix effect is a broad term describing the tendency of specific analyte matrices to alter the detection or quantification of an analyte. This effect usually manifests itself as a bias and results in under or overestimating the solution's existing analyte concentration.
Matrix effects can appear in nearly any stage within an analysis, including sample preparation, separation on the column, and detection. Here are a few general examples:
- Co-elution of a UV absorbing compound with the analyte of interest
- Sample pH altering the retention factor of ionizable analytes
- Ion suppression of the analyte in electrospray ionization
How to mitigate interfering matrix
There are a few common ways to mitigate matrix effects. The correct choice depends on the specifics of the analysis.
If analyte sensitivity is adequate, the most straightforward approach is to dilute the sample in a proper injection solvent. A more dilute sample gives a more negligible matrix effect.
Other solutions include an extraction before analysis, which improves the separation by eliminating possible sources of sample contamination. Using a 2D-LC or switching to a more selective detection method can also circumvent matrix effects.
Lastly, you can perform standard addition without changing the method. But this technique is generally avoided due to the increased number of injections per sample.
Method development hardware
The two key hardware capabilities required for automated method development are:
Automated solvent switching. This technology provides the ability to switch mobile phases during a sequence without manually exchanging bottles and purging the system. The Thermo Scientific Vanquish Method Development Systems include a solvent extension kit with an external selection valve for automated scouting of up to 10 solvents per channel.
Automated column switching. Used for early-stage method development and generally includes scouting several stationary phase chemistries. Automatic column switching saves both time and user effort by eliminating pausing sequences to switch fittings between columns manually. The Thermo Scientific Viper Method Scouting Kit includes all fluidic connections and capillaries required to scout four-column chemistries.
Method development software
A fully automated method development process requires specialized software to guide the process from method scouting through validation. Several software packages include features from predicting analyte retention behavior to sequence generation.
ChromSwordAuto Chromeleon Connect, for instance, utilizes an artificial intelligence-driven approach for method optimization. ChromSword AutoRobust Chromeleon Connect uses a multivariate approach for streamlining automated method robustness and system stability evaluation. Both options are fully integrated into Chromeleon for a streamlined user experience.
Another prominent software package compatible with Thermo Scientific HPLC systems is S-Matrix® Fusion QbD®, which is based heavily on the quality-by-design approach to method development.