ISQ Single Quadrupole LC-MS
Set new standards for robustness and ease-of-use with our LC-MS systems, built for every day, reliable routine operation.
Thermo Scientific Chromeleon 7.3.2 Chromatography Data System (CDS) helps you simplify repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and achieve more "right-first-time" analyses. Its smart tools make your work easier and faster while ensuring reproducible, quality results.
With industry-leading instrument control for over 500+ chromatography instruments (from over 25 manufacturers) and Thermo Scientific single/triple quadrupole and HRAM Mass Spectrometry instruments, you can manage all systems with one intuitive software. Additional benefits include:
Set new standards for robustness and ease-of-use with our LC-MS systems, built for every day, reliable routine operation.
Get best-in-class resolution, sensitivity, and throughput for even the most complex ICxIC (2D-IC) methods and trace level analyses.
Deliver high sensitivity for routine analysis, flexible method development and powerful reporting tools. Achieve quality results on time, every time.
Meet the needs of research and routine testing with our next-gen, advanced HRAM LC-MS delivering on sensitivity, selectivity and ease of use.
Get from samples to results quickly and easily with a thoughtfully designed user interface to guide you naturally through your chromatography.
Streamline chromatography and MS quantitation workflows into a single software package. Discover how to use your MS like any other routine detector.
Process chromatograms with minimal effort and save time by offering smart, intuitive tools to simplify and streamline data processing.
Chromeleon 7.3.2 CDS delivers vast improvements in performance, compliance, and overall usability while increasing the resilience of network operations. Discover the latest release, bringing new capabilities.
Run instruments using the same intuitive user interface, with the same methods, and provide results in the same format. Operate any instrument, any time.
Discover how Chromeleon CDS provides seamless expansion standardizing on one software without compromising performance or data security.
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