On this page you will find the terms and conditions governing purchase of products and/or services by you or your company from Life Technologies Corporation, a Thermo Fisher Scientific company (“we” or “us”). Because our products and services are so diverse, our terms and conditions vary depending on the type of product or service you are ordering. Note that if you are purchasing products and/or services that fall under multiple categories, more than one set of terms and conditions may apply to your order. There may also be additional terms called Supplementary Terms that aren’t set out below, but that may apply to your order, and you should review them prior to completing your transaction. We describe below where you can find Supplementary Terms. Our goal is to make your purchasing experience simple and transparent. So, if you are confused about which terms apply to your order, or if you have any other questions about any of our terms or your order, please check out our FAQs or call Customer Services at (800) 955-6288 x46142.

Which terms and conditions apply to my order?

  1. General Catalogue Products: If you are purchasing a general catalogue product, these Terms and Conditions of Sale apply. In addition to the Terms and Conditions of Sale, additional terms will apply if (a) the product you are purchasing is an instrument requiring warranty or post warranty instrument services; or (b) the product or services you are purchasing is subject to Supplementary Terms.
  2. Services:
  3. Supplementary Terms: If you are purchasing (a) certain bioproduction products from Life Technologies Corporation and/or Advanced Scientifics, Inc., including but not limited to, Gibco and Invitrogen-branded bioproduction products; (b) Invitrogen™ GeneArt™ products; (c) Ion AmpliSeq™ products; (d) Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan® products; or (e) laboratory chemicals labelled Alfa Aesar, Acros Organics, Maybridge or Thermo Scientific then, in addition to the Terms and Conditions of Sale, one or more of the following Supplementary Terms also apply to your order:


Please note that our product inserts and product pages also contain additional Supplementary Terms, not found here, that may apply to your order. If you have any questions or would like to receive a copy of particular Supplementary Terms, please contact Customer Services at (800) 955-6288 x46142.



View the full Terms & Conditions of Sale: Download