Asuragen is a biotechnology company based in Austin, Texas that is driving the evolution of precision medicine in inherited disorders. They have developed assays to characterize dark DNA, raising its potential for clinical research and helping to translate these advances into diagnostic technology.
The Asuragen AmplideX suite of products uses novel long-read PCR coupled with capillary electrophoresis–based fragment analysis to solve unmet testing needs in inherited genetic disorders by amplifying the dark DNA regions of interest. To provide routine and accessible analysis of DNA using capillary electrophoresis, Asuragen uses the Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer. Compared to traditional Southern blotting or other methods, the SeqStudio instrument delivers high-quality data within hours rather than days, with a simple, straightforward workflow.
Read the blog post to find out how Asuragen is using the SeqStudio to help advance the understanding of inherited disorders
Learn more about the SeqStudio