
EVOS Cell Imaging System Features

Superb optics, integrated usability, compact, simple yet powerful.

Stunning, easy-to capture images

The central feature shared by all EVOS cell imaging systems is their remarkable image quality. In just a few clicks, capture clear, bright, publication-quality images and videos that help you tell the story of your data.

HeLa cells

EVOS M7000, with 60X objective. Stains: NucBlue (nucleus), Phalloidin (F-actin). Deconvolved using Celleste 5.0 Image Analysis Software.

11-slice image Z-stack of honeybee claw

EVOS M5000 in color mode, 10x Apo objective.

Induced human pluripotent stem cells

EVOS Floid. Stains: Lin28A (green), Tubulin (red), Hoechst (blue).

Mouse melanocytes

EVOS XL Core, 20x. 

EVOS 15th Year-Anniversary Collection of Articles

Bright LED light sources

All EVOS imaging systems feature bright LED light sources that provide more than 50,000 hours of brilliant (yet adjustable) illumination that (unlike mercury arc lamps) remains constant with minimal degradation over time. Cost-efficient and environmentally friendly, EVOS LED light cubes are designed for precise control, minimal maintenance, and exceptional reliability.


For the M7000 and M5000, a choice of compact, easily interchangeable LED light cubes can be matched to the spectra of specific dyes or fluorescent proteins in your application. Each cube incorporates excitation filter, dichroic beam-splitter, and emission filter. Filters are hard-coated for maximum transmission efficiency.


EVOS now offers newly updated and optimized light cubes that feature improved opto-mechanical design, spectrally optimized optical components, and best-in-class spectral fidelity and stitching performance. For more information, see the Accessories.


Compact LED light cubes

are easy to change and produce superior signal-to-noise ratios compared with mercury or metal halide bulbs. Our Light Cube Selection Guide lets you choose the right ones for your application.


Constant light intensity 


Mercury arc lamps can lose 50% of their intensity in the first 100 hours of operation! In addition, images acquired in different sessions cannot be quantitatively compared using without complicated calibrations. Because EVOS LED light sources produce constant light intensity, users can rely on consistent illumination and can compare results quantitatively from images acquired on different days.

Stability of light intensity over time

LED light sources (top line) produce constant light intensity for the duration of their long life. In contrast, mercury arc lamps (bottom line) lose light intensity rapidly and must be replaced often.


Less expensive to own and maintain.

The LED bulbs on the EVOS systems are rated for >50,000 hours (~17 years), compared to 300 hours for a typical mercury bulb (and 1,500 hours for a metal halide bulb). That means significant savings in the overall upkeep of your instrument.

What light sources really cost

Over time, EVOS LED light cubes are less expensive than metal halide or mercury lamps.

Hard-coated filter sets for higher transmission efficiency

Hard-coated filter sets are more expensive but have sharper edges and significantly higher transmission efficiencies that typically result in >25% more light transmission than traditional soft-coated filters. With the EVOS system’s hard-coated filter sets, your light cubes cost less over time—and provide brighter fluorescence, higher transmission efficiencies, the ability to detect faint fluorescence signals, and better signal-to-noise ratios.



Transmission efficiency comparison

Graphs show superior transmission efficiencies observed using hard-coated EVOS filters (top graph) compared to soft-coated filters (bottom graph). Signal is shown for the excitation filter (purple), emission filter (red), and dichroic mirror (green) against Alexa Fluor 488 excitation (blue) and emission (pink) spectra.

High-resolution cameras and a choice of objectives

Depending on the model, EVOS cell imaging systems include either a high-sensitivity monochrome camera, ideal for fluorescence imaging; a high-sensitivity color camera, ideal for colorimetric imaging; or both monochrome and color cameras for maximum flexibility. 


A choice of more than 30 high-performance objective lenses ranging from 1.25–100x allows you to match the optics to the type of imaging, type of sample, and vessel.  Image acquisition is speedy, and with automated multiwell screening the M7000 can scan a 96-well plate in 3 fluorescence channels in less than 5 minutes. EVOS cell imaging systems make it easy to capture publication-quality images in seconds.

“The optics are fantastic … The camera gives very nice images, both in terms of their resolution but also in terms of its speed and its pixel dimensions … The wide-field fluorescent images from the EVOS are absolutely fantastic.”

Peter Drian,


Peter Drain, PhD Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Physiology

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Innovative light path

Placing the light source as close as possible to the objective turret minimizes the number of optical elements in the path. High-intensity illumination over a short light path increases the efficiency of fluorophore excitation, providing better detection of weak fluorescent signals.

High-quality objective lenses

Objectives are critical components of any cell imaging system. To get the best results, match the lens to the type of imaging, type of sample, and the vessel being used.

Compact, efficient design

EVOS microscopes are designed with scientists’ workspace and workflow needs in mind. Components and controls are conveniently integrated into a single, lightweight system that fits on a benchtop and can easily be moved to classrooms, teaching labs, and conference rooms. The size and portability of EVOS microscopes let you capture and view images when and where needed.

“EVOS as a tool for teaching brings digital microscopy to the forefront. It’s the future of microscopy … Years ago, the students were peering down eyepieces. Now they can look collaboratively at a screen.”

Joanne Broughton

Queensland University of Technology

Enhanced safety, minimal handling

With all EVOS imaging systems, a large, bright, high-definition monitor lets you view your cells outside the confines of a darkroom and facilitates safe collaboration in nearly any space. There’s no need to remove safety goggles to look through an ocular eyepiece. This minimizes difficult inter-user decontamination and facilitates both collaboration and safety.

A large, bright, high-definition monitor

Monitor allows you to view images outside the confines of a darkroom and facilitates safe collaboration in nearly any space.

The EVOS M5000, FLoid, and XL Core are designed for use in a biosafety cabinet or hood while wearing gowns, gloves, and goggles or face shields if necessary. There’s minimal risk of contamination when you passage, split, transfect, transduce, or otherwise manipulate your cells.

Minimal risk of cell culture contamination.

(Left) A researcher using an ocular microscope risks contamination of a cell culture by manipulating it on the open bench. (Right) The EVOS FLoid can be used within a cell culture hood or biosafety cabinet

Further, with the advanced EVOS imaging systems, software controls most or all microscope operations. You can adjust focus, zoom, pan, and (with the EVOS M7000) even control stage movement remotely through software, without touching the instrument, minimizing the possibility of infection or cross-contamination through physical contact. In addition, with the M7000, you can run automated routines such as multiwell plate scanning and successive scans of a designated area. The only required interaction with the instrument is to mount the slide, plate, or other vessel.

Powerful, intuitive software

All EVOS microscopes come with onboard software that allows you to view, capture, and process images quickly and easily. You can:

  • select colors and adjust brightness while viewing an image
  • adjust contrast, saturation, and color balance
  • choose between high resolution and quick capture
  • capture and save images

On the M7000 and M5000, the onboard software offers pinpoint operational control and powerful image processing tools such as cell counting, confluence, Z-stacking, image tiling and stitching, time-lapse movies, and RGB synthesis. These tools operate intuitively with minimal training, aided by onboard SmartStart guides. Autofocus and other automated tools save time and effort. The M7000 adds advanced automation features and complete programmatic control, allowing imaging through software alone, without ever touching the instrument. Download the most recent EVOS M7000 and M5000 software updates.

Intuitive software interface

The easy-to-use, streamlined workflow allows both novice and expert users to take brilliant images within minutes. For example, image enhancements on the EVOS M5000 and M7000 include brightness, contrast, and gamma for each channel. Also, an intensity histogram window can be opened, which displays the pixel count vs. intensity plot. 

Whole-well stitching of live HeLa cells

EVOS M7000, 10x objective, 13x18 stitched image. Stain: Calcein AM. The resolution of the individual field of view is retained when stitching an entire well.

Confluence calculation

When you identify cells (green circle) and background (red circle), the M5000 software uses texture and intensity to calculate percent confluence.

Fast, robust autofocus

Autofocus on the M7000 allows you to focus on small structures such as filaments, large structures such as whole cell staining, and small bright objects such as nuclear staining.

Programmatic control

Area View on the M7000 allows you to navigate and image within the vessel itself. You can identify an area of interest at low magnification and then easily scan it at a higher magnification.

“Easy to train on, use, and get an immediate idea whether your experiment worked or not, even in cells still in culture.”

K Sakamoto

University of Georgia

For advanced image processing and analysis, the Celleste Image Analysis Software option offers powerful additional tools to segment, count, size, classify and analyze complex images, including machine learning algorithms for advanced image analysis and quantitation. Optional modules for deconvolution, 3D visualization, and 3D analysis allow you to customize the capabilities according to your needs.

Thermo Fisher cloud connection

Images from all EVOS instruments can be sorted and analyzed with the EVOS Image Analysis app in Connect, Thermo Fisher’s secure, cloud-based platform for data storage, scientific analysis apps, and peer collaboration tools. You can link your Thermo Fisher Connect account to an EVOS M5000 Imaging System in very few steps directly from the instrument, from a mobile device, or from your computer. After you have signed in to your Thermo Fisher Cloud account from the M5000 instrument, you can choose to upload captured images directly to the cloud application, in addition to local storage. Once uploaded, you and your colleagues can collaboratively access your gallery and retrieve, analyze, and edit your images from any web browser around the world. You can also run other Connect applications and monitor the status and configuration of your connected instruments.

Upload images to Thermo Fisher Connect

Collaboratively retrieve, analyze, and manipulate them from anywhere in the world.

The cloud-based EVOS Image Analysis app

Automatically count cells and quantify their area and fluorescence intensity.

In the Image Analysis app, you can zoom and pan images, adjust the brightness and contrast of each channel, and apply pseudocolors. You can also overlay a region and display its dimensions. When analyzing an image, once you identify your target cells vs background, the app can automatically count the cells in a given area and quantify their area, fluorescence intensity, and circularity.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
