
Advanced technologies applied throughout the process to gain efficiencies, improve quality and business performance.

Steel manufacturing methods and processes must evolve with increasing speed to accommodate market demands, competitive pressures, new economic realities and governmental regulations. Thermo Fisher Scientific continues to be your most trusted industry partner in developing and applying technologies that improve the steel manufacturing process with a focus on increasing your profitability.

Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis/Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PGNAA/PFTNA)

Used for real-time quality control in process optimization, PGNAA/PFTNA provides high frequency online elemental analysis of an entire raw material process stream. Analyzers using PGNAA/PFTNA are situated directly on the conveyor belt and penetrate the whole raw material cross-section, delivering minute-by-minute, uniform measurement of the entire material stream, not just a sample.


PGNAA/PFTNA delivers an advantage over other surface analysis technologies such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and spectral analysis technologies that can only measure limited depths and surface areas which may not be representative of the entire amount of material on the belt.  Steel manufacturers can benefit from this technology to enhance quality control and improve process efficiencies.

Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis and pulsed fast thermal neutron activation are based on a subatomic reaction between a low energy neutron and the nucleus of an atom. When a thermal, or rather low energy neutron (<0.025 eV) approaches near enough to, or collides with, a nucleus of an atom, an interaction between the neutron and the nucleus takes place. Energy from the neutron is transferred to the nucleus and temporarily elevates it to an excited energy state. The energy is then released, nearly instantaneously, in the form of a gamma ray.

CB Omni Agile Online Elemental Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific CB Omni Agile Online Elemental Analyzer uses PGNAA/PFTNA technology to provide real-time online elemental analysis of an entire raw material process stream and delivers the ability to blend, sort and monitor product quality without the need for continuous sampling. The system helps control the sinter feed basicity and provides a more consistent feed to the sinter strand.

Process Mass Spectrometry

A key requirement in steel production is to ensure furnaces are operating at maximum efficiency. Analysis of the off-gas from the furnace is a vital part of the process control strategy to control and optimize the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Process mass spectrometers provide real time off-gas analysis data to furnace control systems and dynamic control models, resulting in significant process benefits.

The ability to measure a wide range of components on a single analyzer, coupled with advanced calibration, data transmission, and self-diagnostic software, makes the modern mass spectrometer ideal for integration into the plant. On blast furnaces, superior gas analysis is used to calculate gas efficiency, mass & heat balances, and heat profiles through probe analysis, as well as being an essential tool in the early detection of cooling water leaks and sample system failures.

Prima PRO Process Mass Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific Prima PRO Process Mass Spectrometer provides comprehensive gas analysis, enabling integrated steel mills and mini-mills to efficiently monitor primary and secondary conversion methods. The Prima PRO Process Mass Spectrometer is built to meet the specific needs of today’s modern steel mills such as determining the endpoint of a batch process or rapidly updating control parameters on continuous processes.

Radiation Detection

Steel is often produced from scrap metal, which must be carefully screened to prevent radioactive material from contaminating the scrap metal recycling stream. Radiation detection technology used in scrap metal recycling includes portal monitoring systems for incoming raw materials, and wireless grapple-mounted radiation detection systems to monitor scrap piles in the facility. Handheld radiation detection devices provide real time detection of gamma radiation with accurate dose rate measurements, verify the radioactive find, and assess whether radioactivity is of natural or artificial (man-made) origin. Portable devices with high sensitivity neutron response and alarm threshold can be worn to monitor gamma sensitivity and energy compensated dose rate measurement.

RadEye GR Grapple Monitoring System

The Thermo Scientific RadEye GR Grapple Monitoring System is a wireless radiation detection system designed to be installed on a grapple to monitor scrap metal. The battery powered receiver displays current readings, annunciates alarms and logs data wirelessly whether you are in the cabin of the crane or nearby the grapple. Multiple units can receive data from one grapple detector.

RadEye SPRD Personal Radiation Detector

The Thermo Scientific RadEye SPRD Personal Radiation Detector alerts workers to potential radiation exposure at greater distances without increasing false alarms. The unique combination of detector sensitivity and intelligent alarming helps ensure detection in the most challenging cases while eliminating nuisance alarms. Additionally, the SPRD identifies the nature of the discovered material in a manner configurable for your operation or user skills – from simple artificial vs. natural distinction; to industrial, SNM, and medical classification; to full spectroscopic analysis.

ASM IV Series Automatic Scrap Monitoring System

The Thermo Scientific ASM-IV automatic scrap monitoring system is a configurable platform to prevent radioactive materials from entering scrap metal and metal processing workflows, resulting in expensive plant decontamination and shutdown. Offering high sensitivity and reliability, the ASM-IV system provides the perfect solution for portal monitoring applications that require the lowest possible alarm thresholds.

X-ray Fluorescence

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials. XRF analyzers work by measuring the fluorescent (or secondary) X-rays emitted from a sample when excited by a primary X-ray source. Each of the elements present in a sample produces a set of characteristic fluorescent X-rays, or unique "fingerprints.” These fingerprints are distinct for each element, making XRF analysis an excellent tool for quantitative and qualitative measurements. In steel manufacturing, XRF is used for analysis of raw materials, slags, and alloys.

Niton XL5 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer delivers accurate metal analysis for scrap metal sorting, outgoing product, and verification of metals and alloys in manufacturing operations. Innovative design allows for instant, actionable data for quick decision making in critical situations. With an easy-to-use interface, portable analyzers provide rapid, reliable chemical identification and material verification in virtually any location, field environment, or weather condition.

ARL SMS-3500 Automation for Twin OES or XRF

The ARL SMS-3500 Automation for Twin OES or XRF simplifies sample handling by providing a single introduction location for all samples with a magazine storage function to free the introduction. This reduces response times, increases sample processing cadence and improves the availability of automatic sample preparation in highly critical production control environments.

ARL 9900 Simultaneous Sequential XRF Series

The Thermo Scientific ARL 9900 Simultaneous Sequential XRF Series offers exceptional elemental analysis features for steel production raw materials. The system offers full simultaneous and sequential capabilities integrated into one instrument, driving cost savings and quality control. The ARL 9900 Series can be equipped with the innovative SmartGonio goniometer for simple, cost-effective configurations or the universal goniometer for more advanced, flexible analysis. Up to 24 monochromator fixed channels help ensure rapid and simultaneous analysis of Be to Am in solids, fused beads, or pressed powders.

ARL QUANT’X EDXRF Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific ARL QUANT'X EDXRF Spectrometer provides major, minor, and trace element quantification for mining ores and metallurgical slags. It offers excellent performance, versatility, and reliability in elemental analysis. Its compact desktop design, close-coupled optics and advanced electrically cooled detectors allow for high analytical precision in a wide dynamic range from ppm to percent elemental concentrations.


The Thermo Scientific ARL PERFORM'X Sequential X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for advanced materials characterization integrates bulk elemental analysis with mapping and small spot analysis to create a solution that evaluates up to 90 elements in nearly any solid or liquid sample. With the ARL PERFORM'X spectrometer, analysis of materials in varied sizes, coatings, layers, heterogeneities and inclusions or requiring wide elemental coverage, wide concentration ranges and varied samples matrices is achieved with desired precision and limits of detection. It is recommended for major, minor and trace elemental analysis in raw materials.

ARL OPTIM'X WFXRF Spectrometer

The ARL OPTIM’X is a low power WDXRF spectrometer with amazing performance. Perfect for analysis of raw materials, ferro-alloys, slags including fluorine determination as well as coatings on steel sheets.

Thickness and Coating Measurement

Non-contact and non-destructive thickness and coating weight measurements are needed to achieve high product quality and maximum productivity. Online thickness gauges for hot- and cold-rolling mills provide precise, real-time measurements during high-speed production of steel plate and sheet. For zinc-coated steel sheet, the online hot coating weight gauge provides fast feedback for coating control using well-established X-ray fluorescence (XRF). When coupled with a closed-loop coating weight control system, raw zinc consumption can be minimized, resulting in significant economic savings.

SIPRO Simultaneous Profile Gauge for Hot Strip Mills

The Thermo Scientific SIPRO Simultaneous Profile Gauge is a high-speed, dimensional measurement gauge that allows for in-bar correction of off-gauge product. The gauge simultaneously measures centerline and transverse thickness, temperature, profile, width, edge drop and shape of a steel strip at the exit of a hot rolling mill, improving throughput quality control.

RM 310 EH Hot Coating Weight Gauge

The Thermo Scientific RM 310 EH Hot Coating Weight Gauge significantly improves coating weight control by reducing the dead time between the air knives and measurement. The gauge is effective with Galvanized steel (Zn), Galvalume steel (Zn/Al), binary coatings (Zn/Ni), Aluminized steel (Al), Tin coated steel (Sn), Terne coatings (Pb/Sn) and other metallic coatings on steel.

RM 210 CM Thickness Gauge

The Thermo Scientific RM 210 CM Strip Thickness Gauge allows customized sensor configuration for your metal strip application. Automatic Gauge Control (AGC) rolls to tighter tolerances, improving overall product quality and productivity and works with a range of standard alloy compensation functions in the pickling line/tandem mill, reversing cold mill, tandem cold mill, continuous galvanizing line, electrolytic tinning line, slitting line and recoiling line.

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES)

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) uses Arc/Spark excitation to perform rapid elemental analysis of solid metallic samples, from trace to percent element concentration levels. This technique meets the most demanding analytical needs of metallurgical industries and analysis laboratories, from production control to R&D, and from incoming material inspection to scrap sorting. OES metal analyzers can also be used for fast, online evaluation of non-metallic micro-inclusions.

ARL iSpark Plus Optical Emission Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Plus Optical Emission Spectrometer is a high-performance optical emission spectrometer, optimal for control analysis of iron and steel in production. The instrument offers elemental analysis with ultimate precision and accuracy at concentration levels from trace to percent on all the elements present in the sample. In addition, analysis of non-metallic micro-inclusions can be performed simultaneously with the elemental analysis, providing steel plants with a unique way to minimize quality issues and costs associated with the inclusions. 

ARL easySpark Metal Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific ARL easySpark Metal Analyzer is a compact, benchtop optical emission spectrometer for the elemental analysis in iron and steel or other metals. The instrument is an affordable solution for quality and productivity improvements in any metallurgical operation in foundries, metal processors, and other metallurgical industries and laboratories. It allows quality control, sorting of incoming/outgoing materials, or in-process production control with a wide element coverage. 

Laboratory Automation

Steel manufacturers can further drive process control and efficiencies in their applications with laboratory automation technologies. Both OES and XRF spectrometers can be fully automated to increase throughput, improve analysis accuracy, and decrease costs. This level of automation delivers a complete laboratory workflow solution and can reduce response times, increase sample processing cadence, and improve the availability of automatic sample preparation in highly critical production control environments. 


ARL SMS-2300 Robotics-Based Automation for OES or XRF

The Thermo Scientific ARL SMS-2300 system combined with an OES or XRF instrument is an automated quality control solution to optimize your steel production operations. With the high performance ARL SMS-2300 system, even complex samples are prepared and analyzed under reproducible conditions without operator intervention, so that human variables and subjective factors are eliminated. The result is increased production, reliable results, lower costs, and fast payback.

ARL SMS-3300 Automation for Single or Twin OES or XRF

Drive process control laboratory efficiencies with the Thermo Scientific ARL SMS-3300 Automation for single or dual OES or XRF, a complete laboratory workflow automation solution. The automation of single or dual spectrometers and preparation machine with the ARL SMS-3300 system offers reduced sample analysis cost, increased sample throughput, better reproducibility and higher quality results for users requiring more comprehensive and integrated automation solutions.

ARL SMS-XY Automation for XRF

The Thermo Scientific ARL SMS-XY Automation for XRF permits continuous and unattended operation of Thermo Scientific ARL 9900 series X-ray Spectrometers. Increased automation brings increased analysis quality, lower analysis costs, a more sustainable analysis cadence with predictable and reproducible response times and a short payback period.

The Thermo Scientific ARL OEM-XY automated sample loader allows connecting the Thermo Scientific ARL PERFORM'X or ARL 9900 series X-ray Spectrometers to fully automatic preparation machines. The prepared sample, usually a pressed pellet, is conveyed on a transport belt from the press to the spectrometer. Continuous and unattended operation is ensured through the supervision of an engineering company software.

Emissions Analysis

Our Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) monitor a complete spectrum of process gases during various stages of production, including but not limited to: SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, H2S, TRS, THC, Hg, O2, HCl, and Total Sulfur using a combination of technologies, depending on your requirements for elemental detection and measurement.  These technologies can include Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR), used to measure carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, HCl, and other infrared-absorbing gases; Chemiluminescence for the measurement of nitrogen-based compounds; Pulsed Fluorescence for the determination of SO2; Flame Ionization Detection (FID) for hydrocarbons measurement to meet the criterion of USEPA Methods 25A and 25B; Atomic Fluorescence; transmissometers for opacity monitoring; cross-stack and in-stack ultrasonic monitors for determining flow of gas stream; and full extractive and dilution extractive probes. Using a combination of these technologies, you can achieve compliance with regulatory guidelines while meeting your own specific air quality monitoring needs. These systems are designed to meet US EPA 40CFR Parts 60 and 75 standards while providing unsurpassed sensitivity, accuracy and reliability.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring System

The Thermo Scientific Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) is a customizable solution for compliance with regulatory guidelines while meeting your own specific air quality monitoring needs. These systems are designed to meet US EPA 40CFR Parts 60 and 75 standards while providing unsurpassed sensitivity, accuracy and reliability.

X-ray Diffraction

X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis is a non-destructive analytical technique utilized to investigate the crystallographic structure and phase composition of materials. XRD analyzers measure the diffraction pattern of X-rays that occur when they interact with a sample's atomic lattice. Each crystalline phase in a sample produces a unique diffraction pattern, enabling identification and quantification. In iron ores and sinters, XRD analysis is valuable for determining the mineralogical composition, including the presence of iron-bearing minerals such as hematite, magnetite, or goethite. It aids in assessing the phase transformations that occur during sintering processes, optimizing parameters for desired properties, and monitoring the reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron. XRD analysis also contributes to the characterization of slag composition and identifying any undesired phases.

ARL X'TRA Companion X-ray Diffractometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific continues to innovate with unique product solutions that support your analytical needs and improve process controls. ARL X'TRA Companion diffractometer is perfectly designed for a cost-effective solution for routine QC/QA in industrial laboratories. Thanks to the photon energy filtering of the state-of-the art solid state 2D detector, measuring iron containing samples becomes a no-issue. This robust and accurate benchtop X-ray diffractometer comes with one-click Rietveld quantification capabilities and automated result transmission to a LIMS and complies with international X-Ray safety rules.
