Water Microbiology Testing

Microbiology products for the isolation, identification and enumeration of waterborne microorganisms to meet your testing needs.

Our range of products for water testing includes dehydrated and prepared media, membrane filters, qPCR assays for Legionella, quality control organisms, as well as the equipment you need to deliver reliable results.

  • Safe: media formulations that are compliant with ISO Standards for the testing of water
  • Conform to ISO standard: quality control testing methods for culture media are accredited in accordance with ISO 17025:2017
  • Proven and certified: all Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) for culture media confirm testing in accordance with the ISO 11133:2014 standard, including membrane filter testing
  • Support: our team of microbiology experts is at hand to help with your technical queries

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The convenience of a prepared, sterile solution when preparing water samples for Legionella testing

Legionella anisa QC testing strain available

NEW Legionella anisa QC testing strain available

To support your laboratory’s water testing processes, we have added Thermo Scientific Culti-Loops Quality Control Legionella anisa NCTC 11974 (WDCM 00106) to our quality control testing organism range. Culti-Loops Quality Control organisms enable quick and safe preparation of cultures for QC testing with ready-to-use, disposable inoculation loops containing gel-stabilised micro-organisms.

Legionella anisa is the second most often isolated Legionella species from water samples, after Legionella pneumophila.

Find out more

Detection of microorganisms: ISO 6222:1999


Water sample

Poured plate method with Yeast Extract Agar

68±4 h at 20±2 °C and 44±4 h at 36±2 °C

Count all colonies formed

MethodMediaProductFormatProduct Code
Pour plateYeast Extract AgarPlate Count Agar for water testing (ISO)500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Plate Count Agar10 x 100 mL bottles
Prepared media
10 x 200 mL bottles
Prepared media

Detection of Escherichia coli / Coliform bacteria: ISO 9308-1:2014


Water sample

Membrane filtration, using filter on surface of CCA Agar

36±2 ºC 21±3 h

Count all rose colonies as coliforms

Count all dark blue to purple colonies as E.coli

Test oxidase with freshly prepared reagent

Negative: No blue colonies

Confirmed E.coli


> Count all Oxidase-negative bacteria as coliforms

> Count all Oxidase-positive bacteria as non-coliforms

MethodMediaProductFormatProduct code
Membrane filtrationCCA AgarThermo Scientific™ Chromogenic Coliform Agar500 g
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
10 x 55 mm plates
Prepared media
Oxidase testTryptone Soya Agar (TSA)CASO AGEN (TSA)500 g / 5 kg
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Oxidase ReagentThermo Scientific™ BactiDrop™ Oxidase Reagent50 vials
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Thermo Scientific™ Microbact™ Oxidase Strips50 strips
Dehydrated culture media

Detection of Enterococci: ISO 7899-2:2000


Water sample

Membrane filtration, using filter on surface of Slanetz and Bartley Agar

36±2 °C 44±4 h

Count all convex red, brown or rose colonies

Put filter onto pre-warmed 44°C

Bile Aesculine Azide Agar

44±0.5°C 2 h

Enumerate all brown colonies with brown halos as intestinal Enterococci

MethodMediaProductFormatProduct code
Membrane filtrationSlanetz Bartley AgarSlanetz Bartley Agar500 g
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media

10 x 55 mm plates

Prepared media


10 x 55 mm plates

Prepared media

ConfirmationBile Aesculine Azide Agar

Enterococcus Selective Medium

(Bile Aesculine Azide Agar)1

10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
or Kanamycin Aesculin Azide Agar Base2500g
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media

* Minimum order quantity required.

1. This medium is slightly different to the medium formulation according to ISO 7899-2:2000. The medium has additional sodium citrate and 20 g/l ox bile instead of 10 g/l and 0.55 g/l sodium azide instead of 0.15 g/l.

2. This medium is slightly different to the medium formulation according to ISO 7899-2:2000. It contains sodium citrate instead of ox bile and Kanamycin.

Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: ISO 16266:2006


Water sample

Membrane filtration, using filter on surface of Pseudomonas CN Agar

36±2 °C 44±4 h*

Inspection under UV light

(360±20 nm)

Inspection under natural light

Inspection under natural light

Fluorescence colonies: presumptive Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Blue green (Pyocyanine forming) colonies: confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Red brown colonies: presumptive Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Subculture to Nutrient Agar

Subculture to Nutrient Agar

36±2°C 22±2 h

36±2°C 22±2 h

Add Nessler´s Reagent ammonia development (red-yellow precipitation)

Oxidase test: oxidase positive

Confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Acetamide Solution

King´s B Medium


36±2°C 22±2 h

36±2°C up to 5 days

Add Nessler´s Reagent ammonia development (red-yellow precipitation)

Fluorescence under UV light

Confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa

* Minimum order quantity required.

MethodMediaProductFormatProduct code
Membrane filtrationPseudomonas Selective Agar / CN AgarPseudomonas Centrimide Selective Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
10 x 55 mm plates
Prepared media
Pseudomonas Agar Base500 g
Dehydrated culture media
10 tubes
Dehydrated culture media
FluorescenceKing´s B Media   
Hydrolysis of acetamide to ammoniaAcetamide Solution Nessler Reagent   
Oxidase TestNutrient AgarNutrient Agar500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Oxidase ReagentBactiDrop Oxidase Reagent50 vials
Dehydrated culture media
Microbact Oxidase Strips50 strips
Dehydrated culture media

* Minimum order quantity required.

Detection of Clostridium perfringens (including spores): ISO 14189:2013


Membrane filtration of 100 mL onto TSC-Agar* (if necessary, dilute sample)

44±1°C, anaerobic 21±3 h

Enumerate the presumptive colonies which show black or grey to yellow brown staining within 30 minutes of opening

Count all black colonies as Clostridium perfringens

1-10 black or grey to yellow-brownish colonies

>10 black or grey to yellow-brownish colonies

Subculture all presumptive colonies onto blood agar plates 

Subculture 10 different presumptive colonies onto blood agar plates

36±2°C, anaerobic 21±3 h

36±2°C, anaerobic 21±3 h

Put colonies that grew under anaerobic conditions onto filter paper and add 2-3 drops of phosphateacid. All colonies that turn purple within 3-4 minutes are confirmed positive.

*ATTENTION: Alternatively, a thin layer (approximately 5 mL to 10 mL) of molten TSC Agar (TV5204G TSC Agar Base), as an overlay on the filter can be used. Allow to solidify before anaerobic incubation. This method may enhance the blackening of the colonies. Medium without cycloserine; e.g. TV5204G TSC Agar Base, 20 mL.

Melt TSC Agar in a water bath and put melted agar onto filter on the plate:


Melt agar in a water bath at 95°C for approx. 10-15 minutes

Cool medium to 45°C

Shake tube carefully and pour a thin layer of molten agar

MethodMediaProductFormatProduct code
Membrane filtrationTSC AgarTSC Selective Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
TSC Agar Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
50 tubes
Prepared media
TSC Selective Supplement10 tubes
Dehydrated culture media
10 x 100 mL bottles
Prepared media
10 tubes
Prepared media
Anaerobic atmosphere Thermo Scientific™ AnaroGen™ System10 sachets
Thermo Scientific™ AnaroJar™ 2,5 L Anaerobic System1 unit
Thermo Scientific™ AnaeroBox™ Rectangular Anaerobic System1 unit

Detection of Legionella: ISO 11731:2017

Sample preparation:

Heat treated: Put sample into water bath for 30+/-2 minutes at 50 °C

Acid treated: 1 part sample to 9 parts of acid buffer. Mix well and leave it for 5+/- 0.5 minutes.

Acid treated filter: Put 30 mL of acid solution onto the membrane filter. Leave it for 5 +/- 0.5 minutes and remove the solution by filtration. Wash with 20 mL of either sterile Aqua dest., Pages Saline, Ringer Solution or PBS.

Samples with high concentration of Legionella species and low concentration of interfering organisms2

Samples with low concentration of Legionella species and low concentration of interfering organisms2

0.1-0.5 mL of the sample onto BCYE 

0.1-0.5 of the sample onto BCYE with AB

Membrane filtration of 100 mL sample1.

Place one untreated membrane filter onto BCYE Agar; Place membrane filter with acid solution on one or more selective media: BCYE Agar with AB or GVPC Agar or MWY Agar

0.1-0.5 mL of the sample; each untreated, heat treated and acid treated from the membrane filtration with washing procedure3 onto BCYE Agar and on one or more selective media: BCYE Agar with AB or GVPC Agar or MWY Agar

36 ± 2 °C, humid atmosphere, 7-10 days

Subculture at least 3 typical Legionella colonies from each plate and inoculate on BCYE Agar without Cystein and BCYE Agar

36 ± 2 °C, humid atmosphere, 2-5 days

Colonies that grow on BCYE but not on BCYE without cystein are considered to be Legionella3

  1. 10 – 1000 mL sample volume according to ISO 11731-2.
  2. The choice of the method for the enumeration of Legionella species depends on the origin/characteristics of the sample and the reason for sampling or investigation. A decision matrix can be found in the ISO 11731:2017, Annex J.
  3. Further information, please see ISO 11731:2017.
MethodMediaProductFormatProduct code
Sample preparationAcid BufferLegionella Acid Buffer Solution6 x 1 L bottles
Prepared media
Direct and membrane filtrationLegionella GVPC AgarLegionella GVPC Selective Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella CYE Agar-Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE Supplement +10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella GVPC Agar with antibioticsLegionella BCYE Agar with antibiotics10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella BCYE AgarLegionella BCYE Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella CYE Agar Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE Supplement10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella MWY AgarLegionella MWY Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella CYE Agar Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE Supplement +10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella MWY Selective Supplement10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
SubcultureLegionella BCYE Agar without CysteineLegionella BCYE Agar without Cysteine10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella CYE Agar Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE without Cysteine Supplement10 tubes (100 mL)
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE AgarLegionella BCYE Agar10 x 90 mm plates
Prepared media
Legionella CYE Agar Base +500 g
Dehydrated culture media
Legionella BCYE Supplement10 tubes (500 mL)
Dehydrated culture media

* Minimum order quantity required.

Detection of Legionella: qualyfast® qPCR

Detection of Legionella qualyfast qPCR workflow
ProductFormatOrder code
qualyfast Reagents and PCR Kits
qualyfast Free DNA Inactivator200 reactionsD401009
qualyfast DNA Extraction Kit I clear water24 reactionsD101001
48 reactionsD201001
96 reactionsD301001
qualyfast DNA Extraction Kit II dirty water48 reactionsD211001
96 reactionsD311001
qualyfast Legionella PCR Assay24 reactions
(3x 8-tube strips)
48 reactions
(6x 8-tube strips)
96 reactions
(12x 8-tube strips)
qualyfast Legionella Quantification Standards8 tests
(4 standards each in an 8-tube strip)
QuantStudio 5 Food Safety PCR System
Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR System, 0.1 mL Block, LaptopSystemA36328
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR System, 0.1 mL Block, DesktopSystemA36320
Service & Support Packages
Applied Biosystems Assurance Service Plan
additional 1 year warranty cover with instrument loan
1 year coverSCQS5FAST

Filter Funnels and Membranes

Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Membrane Filters are cellulose nitrate membranes that are certified for microbiological QC testing and analysis of water.

ProductSize of QuantityCatalog Number
Nalgene Disposable Analytical Funnels equipped with membrane filter
Sterile Analytical Filter Units, 100 mL, 47 mm, 0.45 μm, white/black50 piecesNG145-0045
Sterile Analytical Filter Units, 250 mL, 47 mm, 0.45 μm, white/black50 piecesNG145-2045
Sterile Analytical Filter Units, 100 mL, 47 mm, 0.45 μm, grey/black50 piecesNG147-0045
Sterile Test Filter Funnel, 250 mL, 0.45 uL50 piecesNG147-2045
Membrane filter
Membrane Filter for water testing, sterile, CN, 47 mm, 0,45 μm, white/black100 piecesNG0205-4045
Membrane Filter for water testing, sterile, CN, 47 mm, 0,45 μm, grey/black100 piecesNG0210-6045
Vacuum Manifold1 pieceNG0345-0001
Filter Stopper, non-sterile, no. 8 rubber3 piecesNG0396-0080
Filter Forceps, bent tip1 pieceNG0399-0001
Filter Forceps, straight tip1 pieceNG0399-0002
Filter Funnel Adapter, non-sterile25 piecesNG0397-0010
Vacuum Gasket, non-sterile thermoplastic elastomer6 piecesNG0395-0708
Nalgene Reusable Analytical Filters and accessories
Filter Funnels with Clamp, 250 mL1 pieceNG0315-0047
Filter Holders with Receiver, 500 mL, 500 mL4 piecesNG0300-4000
Filter Holders with Receiver, 250 mL, 250 mL4 piecesNG0300-4050
Filter Holders with Receiver, 500 mL, 1000 mL4 piecesNG0300-4100
Filter Holders with Funnel, 250 mL1 pieceNG0310-4000
Filter Holders with Funnel, 500 mL1 pieceNG0310-4050
Reusable Bottle Top Filters, 250 mL1 pieceNG0320-2545
Reusable Bottle Top Filters, 500 mL1 pieceNG0320-5033
Reusable Bottle Top Filters, 500 mL1 pieceNG0320-5045

Quality Control organisms: ISO 11133:2014

ProductSample numbersCatalog Number
Escherichia coli QC Organisms for testing of CCA Agar
Escherichia coli ATCC® 8739™*WDCM 00012R4607085
Escherichia coli ATCC® 25922™*WDCM 00013R4607050
Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC® 13048™*WDCM 00175R4607080
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853™*WDCM 00025R4607060
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027™*WDCM 00026R4605210
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 19433™*WDCM 00009R4601990
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212™*WDCM 00087R4607030
Enterococci QC Organisms for testing of Slanetz and Bartley Agar
Escherichia coli ATCC® 8739™*WDCM 00012R4607085
Escherichia coli ATCC® 25922™*WDCM 00013R4607050
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC® 6538™*WDCM 00032R4607016
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC® 25923™*WDCM 00034R4607010
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212™*WDCM 00087R4607030
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 19433™*WDCM 00009R4601990
Pseudomonas aeruginosa QC Organisms for testing of Pseudomonas CN Agar
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853™*WDCM 00025R4607060
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027™*WDCM 00026R4607060
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 10145™*WDCM 00024R4607065
Escherichia coli ATCC® 8739™*WDCM 00012R4607085
Escherichia coli ATCC® 25922™*WDCM 00013R4607050
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 19433™*WDCM 00009R4601990
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212™*WDCM 00087R4601990
Clostridium perfringens QC Organisms for testing of TSC Agar
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633WDCM 00003R4601221
QC organisms for testing GCVP Agar (Legionella method)
Legionella pneumophila ATCC® 33152™*WDCM 00107R4603950
Legionella anisa NCTC 11974™WDCM 00106R4601315
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 19433™*WDCM 00009R4601990
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212™*WDCM 00087R4607030
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853™*WDCM 00025R4607060
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027™*WDCM 00026R4605210
Escherichia coli ATCC® 8739™*WDCM 00012R4607085
Escherichia coli ATCC® 25922™*WDCM 00013R4607050
Prepared Media for the Quality Control testing according to ISO 11133:2014
CASO Agar (ISO 11133) PO5321A


* The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem, the ATCC Licensed Derivative word mark, and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. Remel Inc. is licensed to use these trademarks and sell products derived from ATCC® cultures. The identity, purity, and authenticity of the Licensed Products are exclusively the responsibility of Remel Inc., and not ATCC.