
Volume electron microscopy techniques and tools

Our volume EM solutions allows you to observe how tissues, cells and organelles respond to diseases or various experimental methods. Our volume EM microscopes and software offer integrated solutions for correlative light and electron microscopy, multiple plasma ion-sources, large area automated serial FIB SEM milling (up to 1 mm with Spin Mill), room temperature and cryogenic operation. To quickly obtain actionable results from Volume EM images, our analytical software solution provides visualization and quantitative analysis capabilities to non-image processing experts from a single software environment.


Serial block-face imaging

Unraveling the complex 3D architecture of cells and tissues in their natural context is crucial for structure-function correlation in biological systems and soft materials. Serial block-face SEM (SBF-SEM) combines in situ sectioning and imaging of plastic-embedded tissue blocks within the SEM vacuum chamber for automated, 3D reconstruction of large tissue volumes. 

Thermo Scientific Volumescope 2 SEM

The Volumescope 2 SEMs offer a novel serial block-face imaging solution with excellent Z-resolution that combines multi-energy deconvolution scanning electron microscopy (MED-SEM) with in-situ sectioning. The automation and ease-of-use of these instruments increases your productivity regardless of your level of expertise, granting isotropic resolution for your large volume samples.

Array tomography

Array tomography is a versatile microscopy method that offers the ability to explore cell and tissue architectures in three dimensions. It combines imaging of large tissue volumes in extremely fine structural and high molecular detail. With the largest imaging field, array tomography is ideal for tissue histology.

Thermo Scientific Apreo 2 SEM

Thermo Scientific Quattro ESEM

Thermo Scientific Verios 5 XHR SEM

Plasma focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy

Plasma focused ion beam SEM uses iterative and automated cycles of milling and imaging to obtain 3-D visualization at resolutions of tens of nanometers or less.

Thermo Scientific Hydra Bio Plasma-FIB SEM

The Thermo Scientific Hydra Bio Plasma-FIB (PFIB) is a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) designed for volumetric imaging of frozen-hydrated and plastic-embedded biological samples. The Hydra Bio Plasma-FIB also features automation and cryo-technologies for versatile cryo-electron tomography lamella preparation.

TEM tomography

3D electron tomography delivers structural information about pleiomorphic samples such as enveloped viruses or lipid nanoparticles. Images in a tomographic series are acquired by tilting the sample in known increments. Individual projection images are then computationally combined in a procedure known as back-projection, which creates the 3D tomographic volume.

Thermo Scientific Talos L120C G2 (S)TEM

The Thermo Scientific Talos L120C G2 (S)TEM enables the visualization of biological samples including sections of resin-embedded cells and tissues or isolated particles of protein complexes and viral assemblies as well, as other materials down to sub nanometer resolutions.

Data processing and visualization

Images generated via Volume EM contain the knowledge which drives discoveries. Quick and reliable software solutions to visualize, segment and extract quantitative information from your images is important. 
