
The conference presentations are available for download in the order of the agenda (Day 1: May 10, Day 2: May 11) . For the Posters, scroll down to the bottom of the page or click here.

Presentations from May 10, 2016

The evolution of forensic DNA databasing policy - Success, addressing unmet potential, and the path to the future

Tim Schellberg
Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs, USA

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Alignment and annotation of forensic STR data generated from MPS analysis: Notes from the sequence workbench

Chris Phillips
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

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NGS-based full resolution STR genotyping of the Chinese Han population and casework samples

Le Wang
Institute of Forensic Science, China

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Performance and data interpretation of the NGS EA 24plex STR and mtDNA using NIST SRM DNA

Rodrigo Neto
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Massively parallel sequencing in forensic genetics

Niels Morling
DFI, Denmark

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Introducing the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID NGS System for human identification

Sheri Olson
Thermo Fisher, South San Francisco, USA

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Forensic applications using the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID mtDNA whole genome panel and massively parallel sequencing

Bruce Budowle
University of North Texas , USA

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Microhaplotype sequencing for mixture deconvolution

Daniele Podini

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Advances in forensic mitochondrial DNA massively parallel sequencing

Walther Parson
Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria

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Evaluation of the Ion S5™ NGS System for targeted sequencing of DNA and RNA markers for human identity and body fluid identification

Jack Ballantyne
National Center for Forensic Science, USA

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Considerations for the validation of massively parallel sequencing for forensic casework

SallyAnn Harbison
Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), New Zealand

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Concordance of DNA profiles defined using capillary electrophoresis and the Ion S5™ Instrument

William Frank
Illinois Police, US

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From genetics to genomics—European perspectives for an integrated approach to the use of genetic evidence in criminal investigations

Peter Schneider
University of Cologne, Germany

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Presentations from May 11, 2016

Evaluation of NGS technology for identification, ancestry and phenotypic characters with the Ion PGM™ system

Franck Jaffredo
IGNA (Nantes Atlantic Genetic Institute), France

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DNA investigative intelligence and its need of massively parallel sequencing

Manfred Kayser
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands

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Head hair features are distinctive and their prediction from DNA can be useful for forensic intelligence

Wojciech Branicki
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

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Exploring of microRNA markers for body fluid identification using NGS

Zheng Wang
West China University of Medical Sciences, China

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High-quality manufacturing of forensics kits and ISO 18385 proposed guidelines

Colin McEnaney
Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK

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Here they come: The inevitable development of civil DNA databases

Tim Schellberg
Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs, USA

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Innovative Applied Biosystems™ STR kits

Lisa Calandro
Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Why and when Y-chromosomal analysis. Some experiences

Franz Neuhuber
University of Salzburg, Austria

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Forensic innovations in quantitative and qualitative assessment of human DNA: Streamlining STR & Y-STR profiling workflow

Antonio Alonso
Instituto Nacional de Toxicologia, Spain

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Posters shown at HIDS 2016

Customer posters

Inference of age prediction on twin samples based on DNA methylation using Agena Bioscience (Sequenom) Epither
A.Freire-Aradas1*, C. Phillips1, A. Mosquera-Miguel1, L. Girón-Santamaría1, A. Gómez-Tato2, J. Álvarez-Dios2,M.Casares de Cal2, E. Pośpiech3, W. Branicki4, A. Parys-Proszek5, Á. Carracedo1, M.V. Lareu1
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
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Automatic stain DNA analyses workflow—not a ride down easy street
Joëlle Gervaix, Delphine Hauert, Vincent Castella
Unité de génétique forensique, Centre universitaire roman de médecine légale, Centre hospitalier universitaire Vaudois
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Massively parallel sequencing application to forensic expert level casework
N. Pilshchikova, A. Bragin, A. Pavlov
Parseq Lab, Russia
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Validation of candidate SNPs for human hair morphology using Ion PGM™ NGS technology—towards further extension of forensic DNA phenotyping tools
Ewelina Pośpiech, Magdalena Kukla, Małgorzata Skowron, Wojciech Branicki
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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Complete mitochondrial genome NGS investigation on Ion Torrent PGM™platform and population genetic studies in Northern Han Chinese
Yishu Zhou, Jiao Yu, Fei Guo3, Jinling Zhao, Feng Liu, Hongying Shen, Bin Zhao, Fei Jia, Zhu Su, He Song, Xianhua Jiang
Criminal Science and Technology Institute of Liaoning Province, China
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Evaluation of the Early Access STR Kit v1 on Ion Torrent PGM™ platform
Fei Guo, Yishu Zhou, Feng Liu, Jiao Yu, Hongying Shen, He Song, Bin Zhao, Fei Jia, Guangwei Hou, Xianhua Jiang
Criminal Science and Technology Institute of Liaoning Province, China
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Next generation sequencing of SNPs using the HID-Ion AmpliSeq™ IdentityPanel on Ion Torrent PGM™ platform
Fei Guo, Yishu Zhou, Feng Liu, Jinling Zhao, Hongying Shen, Bin Zhao, He Song, Xianhua Jiang
Criminal Science and Technology Institute of Liaoning Province, China
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Forensic and population genetic analyses of population of Vojvodina Provice (Serbia) typed with the Yfiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit
Dragana Zgonjanina,, Goran Stojiljkovića, Stojan Petkovića, Dragan Draškovića
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Clinical Center Novi Sad & Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad; Serbia
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Internal posters (with affiliation harmonized)

Development Process Validation for Kinship Analysis Algorithm
Carolina Dallett; Sharada Vijaychander; Aniketan Swami; Gloria Lam; Narasimhan Rajagopalan
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080
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Developmental validation of the Yfiler™ Plus PCR amplification kit
A. Carbonaro, S. Gopinath, C. Zhong, V. Nguyen, J. Ge and J. Mulero
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080
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Increasing discrimination of degraded DNA using the Applied Biosystems™ Quantifiler™ Trio kit with the HID-Ion Personal Genome Machine™ System
Joseph Chang, A. Holt, N. Rajagopalan, R. Lagacé, S. Wootton, S. Olson, N. Ihuegbu, R. Langit, C. Chang
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080
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New Y-Screen Assay using the Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit
Allison Holt, Sheri Olson
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Download poster
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Developmental validation of the Applied Biosystems™ Yfiler™ Plus PCR amplification kit
Siddhita Gopinath, Chang Zhong, Vivian Nguyen, Andrea Carbonaro, Jianye Ge and Julio J. Mulero
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080
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Integrated Forensic DNA Data Analysis and Management – A scalable enterprise solution for forensic laboratories
Jianye Ge, Allan T. Minn, Jie Deng, Makesh Karpagavinayagam, Narasimhan Rajagopalan
Human Identification Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp, South San Francisco, CA 94080
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