Essential oils (EO) are highly aromatic compounds extracted from the tree bark, flowers, stems, leaves, needles, roots of plants, trees, and grasses. We may associate a particular aroma with a single compound, but most pure essential oils are actually mixtures of varying concentrations of several compounds. Essential oils are used in various applications, from fragrances to air fresheners to aromatherapy.
Essential oils are not oils in the conventional sense, that is, they are not long-chain hydrocarbon compounds, and their strong aroma does not always arise from the presence of an aromatic group in the oil's chemical composition. Instead, essential oils are mixtures of low viscosity fluids containing a surprising variety of molecular species and functional groups. The complexity of essential oil mixtures and the functional group chemistry they contain is easily visualized using proton (1H) NMR spectroscopy. As a diagnostic tool, NMR can distinguish similarly classed essential oil mixtures, such as lemon and lime EO. Furthermore, the NMR technique is non-destructive, providing a method of analysis that does not alter the nature of the sample.
With the Thermo Scientific™ picoSpin™ 45 NMR spectrometer we examined at a variety essential oils. Since essential oils are a mixture of compounds with a wide range of concentrations, we expect the proton signal from higher concentration components to dominate the spectrum. For many of the oils this is true, but for others more than one chemical species was evident. Chemical structures of the principal constituents in the oil are included on the spectra.
All spectra were acquired from pure samples of essential oils obtained from a local market and used without further purification. Proton NMR spectra were acquired using a 90-degree pulse angle and are presented as the average of 16 co-added scans.