
Transform Productivity and Efficiency in Quantitative Pesticide Residues Analysis in Food

Pesticide testing laboratories are tasked to develop methods that detect, identify, and quantitate hundreds of different pesticides and their transformation products, in hundreds of different sample matrices.


Through application of new or improved instruments, software, and methods, every step of the pesticide residues analysis workflow provides an opportunity to increase sample throughput and reduce overall cost per sample.


Accelerate method deployment and save time by purchasing off-the-shelf pre-configured pesticide eWorkflow solutions for IC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS to expand your method scope by including more compounds in a single analysis and to cover more pesticide-matrix-combinations.

  • Automate extract clean-up and preparation of calibration standards with µSPE.
  • Realize rapid ROI with complete workflow solutions.
  • Increase productivity with dual-channel LC separations.
  • Automate pesticide cross-confirmation.


Key learnings:

  • Simplify and automating manual workflow steps to save time.
  • Fast data processing, review and reporting using Chromeleon CDS built for pesticides.
  • Comprehensive end-to-end workflow solutions.

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