Active AreaUp to 100 mm2
Chemical TypingChemical Typing software classifies particles by matching their quantitative chemical composition to a database.
DescriptionUltraDry EDS Detector
Feature SizingFeature Sizing software collects the morphological and chemical characteristics of infrequently occurring particles in large area samples.
FWHM Measured5.89 keV (Mn-Ka) with 10,000 counts per second
Input Counts>1,000,000
Integrated OperationEDS, WDS, and EBSD operation and analysis in a fully unified software platform
Operating Environment35°C
OptionsMotorized slide
Peak Shift±5eV peak shift (±3eV typical between 1% and 60% deadtime) from minimum to maximum count rate at a given analyzer time constant
Resolution±5 eV resolution change (±3eV typical between 1% and 60% deadtime) from minimum to maximum count rate at a given analyzer time constant
STD Distance50 mm
Unit SizeEach