The sodium electrode is commonly used to measure samples such as food, beverages and animal feed.
8611BNWP is a combination electrode with a Sure-Flow™ junction that allows easy cleaning. When conventional electrode junctions clog, the Sure-Flow junction can be opened and flushed clean simply by pressing the cap.
8411BN is a half cell sensor that requires either ROSS reference electrode 800300 or ROSS Ultra reference electrode 800500U to function.
Solutions required
941706 0.1 M NaCl sodium standard solution, 475 mL bottle
841108 1000 ppm sodium standard solution, 475 mL bottle
941107 100 ppm sodium standard solution, 475 mL bottle
941105 10 ppm sodium standard solution, 475 mL bottle
Known standards addition
841109 Sodium known addition standard, 1000 ppm with ISA, 475 mL bottle
650700 Sodium known addition standard, 1 M with ISA, 475 mL bottle
841111 Sodium ISA, 475 mL bottle
Electrode fill solution
For regular sodium measurements (> 10-5 M or 0.2 ppm)
900010 ROSS sodium and reference electrode filling solution, 5 x 50 mL bottles
For low-level sodium measurements (< 10-5 M or 0.2 ppm)
900012 ROSS sodium and reference electrode filling solution, 5 x 50 mL bottles
Storage solution
841101 Sodium electrode storage solution, 475 mL bottle
Recondition solution
841113 Sodium electrode reconditioning solution, 475 mL bottle
Items included with 8611BNWP & 8411BN
841113 Sodium electrode reconditioning solution, 475 mL 1 bottle
841111 Sodium ISA, 475 mL 1 bottle
841109 Sodium known addition standard, 1000 ppm with ISA, 475 mL 1 bottle
841108 1000 ppm sodium standard solution, 475 mL 1 bottle
900010 ROSS sodium and reference electrode. 60 mL 1 bottle
841101 Sodium electrode storage solution, 475 mL 1 bottle
Warranty period
12 months from date of purchase