Catalog Number | No. of Reactions |
4444436 | 2000 Reactions |
4444434 | 1000 Reactions |
4444432 | 200 Reactions |
TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix is designed for fast, highly sensitive real-time RT-PCR even in the presence of challenging PCR inhibitors. The 4X formulation provides enhanced detection of both RNA and DNA viruses and is ideal for multiplex gene expression studies, even with low target input. The TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix provides a single-tube format for uniform handling and processing, while delivering qPCR cycling in less than 30 minutes, helpful when working in high throughput workflows.
Key product features:
• High sensitivity—4X master mix to amplify both RNA and DNA with improved sensitivity
• Consistent results—formulated to handle common RT-PCR inhibitors found in blood, stool, and other difficult samples
• Simplified application— one-tube, one-step master mix, offering a single run profile with RNA and DNA, which allows for easy mix-and-match of targets on a plate
• Target flexibility—works in singleplex, multiplex, and with exogenous or endogenous internal controls
• High efficiency—increased qRT-PCR speed on fast and on standard instruments
Two formulations
The master mix is available in two formulations:
• TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix containing ROX dye as a passive reference is recommended for singleplex (1 probe) and up to triplex (3 probes) reactions
• TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (No ROX), which does not contain a passive reference, is recommended for use with assays utilizing the JUN (or similar omission wavelength) dye or for higher order multiplexing (>3 targets)
High sensitivity
Many common research samples with viral nucleic acids have very low levels of target. We have optimized the master mix for high-sensitivity detection of viral targets. The higher-concentration master mix allows you to set up smaller reactions, which means that you can perform fast cycling protocols and obtain at least the same sensitivity as is expected from standard-cycling qPCR. Alternatively, larger sample input amounts can be added to standard reaction volumes for more accurate quantification of low-titer samples (figure below).
Consistent results in the presence of inhibitors
Research samples commonly assayed for viruses include blood, dirt, and tissues. Buffer components and proprietary additives in the TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix have been optimized to handle RT-PCR inhibitors (figure below) to help ensure consistent performance even with these difficult samples, so that you can be more confident in your results.
Flexibility in targets
It is common for labs to test for both RNA and DNA viruses in a variety of samples. To simplify your experiments, a single TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix protocol has been developed to assay both types of nucleic acid, so you can perform RNA and DNA virus queries next to each other on the same plate using the same handling steps (figure below). Additionally, because virus research often includes multiplexed primers and probes and internal reaction controls, we have optimized the master mix to work with multiple target amplicons (figure below).
Fast results
The TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix speeds your time to results and maximizes the use of your real-time PCR instruments with a fast protocol. The high-concentration formulation allows for more target nucleic acid sample to be added in the smaller reaction volumes required to run fast protocols. This enables you to maintain sensitivity with low-titer research samples while improving speed and throughput (figure below).
TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix provides a reliable and efficient reagent for real-time RT-PCR of virus samples that does not sacrifice accuracy. Its robust performance in the presence of common RT-PCR inhibitors and its convenient and flexible reaction setup allows you to have more confidence in your results.