AutoScript TEM Software scripting environment
Thermo Scientific AutoScript TEM Software is a scripting environment combining a TEM-specific Python API with the Python editor. Thermo Scientific software packages for electron/ion microscopy, such as Maps Software and Tomography Software for automation and for mapping, are great for making collection of standard information easy. However, industrial automation and fundamental research often require advanced techniques for imaging and analysis that cannot be covered in the scope of general purpose software. AutoScript TEM Software provides access to the microscope controls in a Python environment to define your application tailored to the question at hand.
Automated electron microscopy workflows
AutoScript TEM Software for TEM is the customization toolkit tor transmission electron microscopes. Built around Python, it provides you the power to automate workflows and associated processing pipelines built to solve specific research questions.
AutoScript TEM Software:
- Provides a direct link between research needs and microscope automation
- Enables improved reproducibility and accuracy
- Focuses time on the microscope for higher throughput
- Empowers new scientific results
AutoScript TEM Software microscope status and controls
- Optics (mode, beam shift, tilt, magnification, rotation)
- Control of Thermo Scientific Selectris Energy Filter
- Stage (movement, position read-out) including piezo stage
- Apertures
- Vacuum (state), column valves controls
- Lorentz mode support
AutoScript TEM Software for image acquisition
- Acquisition (camera and detector control, single image or a sequence, simultaneous acquisition from multiple detectors or segments)
- TEM image acquisition with Thermo Scientific Ceta, Falcon (including counting mode), and SmartCam Cameras
- STEM detectors (insert, retract, gain, offset, individual segments)
- STEM image acquisition with Fischione HAADF, Panther STEM, or Thermo Scientific BF/DF detector
- Acquisition from any segment or combination of segments of Panther STEM
- Post processing of images using integrated Vision Toolkit package
AutoScript TEM Software auto-functions
- TEM autofocus and astigmatism correction
- STEM autofocus including access to OptiSTEM/AutoSTEM (if purchased)
- AutoComa correction
- AI processing available with Scikit-learn
An optional offline mode is available to provide simulation of the microscope. Scripts can be tested offline on user PCs before going to the microscope. Regular updates available with new functionality. For latest information please check: