
Microarray Solutions for Predictive Genomics

Insights and partnership enabling a better understanding of disease risk and drug response

As predictive genomics translates from research to future therapeutic uses, health systems move from a model of sick care to one of preventative care. A key component: using polygenic risk scores and tailoring prescription drugs to individual biology. Especially for high-risk cases, this helps improve outcomes and manage costs.


To make a real difference, Thermo Fisher Scientific is the right partner.

Population genomics

Studies in focused ethnic or geographic populations reveal new insights into the interplay between genotype and phenotype regarding the genetics of disease and lifestyle factors worldwide.

Pre-emptive pharmacogenomics

Pre-emptive pharmacogenomics looks at the relationship between genotype and drug response to understand how genes impact an individual’s response to medications.

Microbiome and SARS-CoV-2 research

Translating biomarkers from discovery to routine clinical research applications is vital to precision medicine. This is especially true in microbiome and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) research.

Carrier Screening

Population-based preconception carrier screening, regardless of the family history, can identify carrier couples and the risk of certain diseases and help them make educated decisions regarding their future.

Predictive genomics workflow

Population genotyping projects are enabling precision medicine decisions and leading to improved health care outcomes. Many national governments and large organizations are investing in scaling up genotyping infrastructure to support personalized solutions.


The Axiom solution consists of a technology platform that includes assay biochemistry, automated and manual target preparation options, multiple array plate formats, and array processing on the GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument. This solution has applications in human genetics research and microbiome research.

Jong Bhak, PhD, CEO, Clinomics; Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology; Genome Lab and Korean Genomics Center


Expanding genetic disease testing in Korea with customizable population genomics microarrays

Dushyant Singh Baghel, MD, CEO of Nucleome Informatics


Investigating inherited retinal disease in India using customized genotyping arrays

Tuan Cao, Co-founder and CEO Genetica


Decoding unique Asian lifestyle and disease variants through collaboration and custom genotyping arrays

Richard Pither, PhD, CEO of Cytox


Transforming Alzheimer’s disease characterization through genetic risk scoring

Alexandre Pereira, MD, PhD, São Paulo University Heart Institute; Leader of Human Genetics, Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Cardiology; Head of Genetics Outpatient Clinic


Mining the multiethnic Brazilian population for genetic risk factors in cardiovascular disease and Sars-CoV-2 exposure

Vision of Polygenic Risk Scores in Health Care


Professor Peter Donnelly talks about the vision of polygenic risk scores in health care. Learn how polygenic risk scores enable early identification of individuals at higher lifetime risk of disease, to target screening or interventions. See Sir Professor Peter Donnelly's full presentation video on a vision for polygenic risk scores in health care

The FinnGen Research Project: Combining Genomics and Health Record Data to Understand Disease Mechanisms


Hear Dr. Palotie speak about the research goal to improve our understanding of disease mechanisms, specifically in chronic diseases that affect a large part of the population, because that’s the clue toward new therapies; we need to understand more about the disease. And how we do that is we use special populations like the Finnish population, which has a special population history, providing certain benefits. 

Bringing predictive genomics into a nationwide model: A spotlight on the Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative


Dr. Kwok has been at the forefront of large-scale genomic studies. One of his most well-known undertakings was a collaboration between Kaiser Permanente and UCSF where scientists genotyped more than 100,000 Kaiser Permanente members. Today he is focused on two far-reaching goals. First, how to make precision medicine more precise by increasing the diversity of genomic databases. Second, how to sensibly incorporate genetic information into regular clinical practice. 

Integrating preemptive pharmacogenomics into health care.


Learn what Dr. Philip Empey, the Associate Director for Pharmacogenomics of the Pitt/UPMC Institute of Precision Medicine and Director of the University of Pittsburgh/Thermo Fisher Scientific Pharmacogenomics Center of Excellence has to say regarding the challenges to incorporate pharmacogenomics into routine clinical decision making.

Genotyping Techniques Used by Researchers


Webinar 1: Animal Genotyping - In the first part of this webinar, Dr. Sarwar Azam of National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, India, talks about cattle genotyping and in the second part of the webinar Dr. Srinivas Chandram, of Thermo Fisher Scientific, explains companion animal genotyping.


Webinar 2: Plant Genotyping by Dr. Grant Poole presenting the basis for development of SNP‑based custom‑made and catalog arrays for wheat and rice.


Webinar 3: Exploring Microarray Technology in Predictive Genomics by Dr. Liuh Ling Goh of TTSH Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Singapore


Webinar 4: Enabling Better Health Outcomes through Predictive Genomics by Dr. Julian Wong, Sr. Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Qatar Genome Program: Building the next generation of infrastructures to test the value of predictive genomics

Qatar Precision Medicine Institute/Qatar Genome Program is building the next generation of infrastructures to test the value of predictive genomics

The future of predictive genomics in Israel


What will it take to enable the implementation of predictive genomics in Israel's healthcare system? What are the challenges and how could these obstacles become opportunities?

This innovative and educational webinar brings together global predictive genomics experts who share their perspectives on the present and future of predictive genomics in Israel


Predictive genomics webinar series


Listen from global experts how genomics innovations are changing future of healthcare

Webinar 1: Genomics enabling population and personalized health by Aarno Palotie, MD, PhD and Importance of population-based biobanks in predictive genomics and personalized medicine-Vision of the future by Andres Metspalu


Webinar 2: What it takes to build a predictive genomics program by Samuli Ripatti


Webinar 3: Massively parallel genetic testing of the Han Chinese population in Taiwan: Lessons from the east by Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD

On-demand webinar

Importance of imputation accuracy in the selection of human genotyping arrays

Dr. Nam of GeneStory, Vietnam, explains imputation's impact on genotyping array accuracy, factors for selecting a suitable array, and a country's experience analyzing PRS in under-represented populations.

On-demand webinar

Dr. Steven Melnick and Dr. David B. Mancuso from Nicklaus Children's Hospital discuss implementing a preemptive pharmacogenomics program in a hospital.

On-demand webinar

Navigate the technology landscape in predictive genomics

On-demand webinar

In this webinar Dr. Solomon Adams walks viewers through the PGx program at Ariel Precision Medicine and plans for empowering patients to use PGx data with multiple providers.

On-demand webinar

Microarrays: an essential tool for predictive genomics

On-demand webinar

Current state of pharmacogenomics and its future

The A to Z of microarrays - evolution of a revolutionary solution

Microarrays: An important tool for predictive genomics

Navigating the technology landscape for population-scale predictive genomics and exploring strategies for disease risk and drug response research

Preemptive Pharmacogenomics-investigating the relationship between genotype and drug response.

Decoding large national genetic study design

Smarter is better than larger: How imputation-aware whole-genome genotyping bridges the gap between sequencing and targeted panels

 Flyer: Comprehensive solutions for your pharmacogenomics research

Brochure: Insights in disease risk and drug response - Axiom genotyping arrays for human studies

Brochure: Axiom PangenomiX and Axiom PangenomiX Plus arrays

Flyer: GeneTitan MC Fast Scan  Instrument

Predictive Genomics Powering the future of population and personalized health

Axiom Propel workflow: Elevate your genotyping to a grand scale

The Axiom Genotyping Solution

GeneTitan MC Fast Scan Instrument

Selection guide: Axiom Genotyping Solution for Human Genetics

Total solution: Your partner from sample to insights

Predictive Genomics and Microarray Tutorial Video


Learn about Predictive Genomics. The tutorial explain what Predictive Genomics, Population Genomics,  Pharmacogenomics and how Microarrays are used in these application areas.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Microarray Technology

The vision of Pharmacogenomics


The estimated annual cost of drug-related morbidity and mortality resulting from non-optimized medication therapy was $528.4 billion in the United States alone in 2016, equivalent to 16 percent of the country’s total health care expenditures. Pharmacogenomics, the understanding of how genes impact an individual’s response to medications, promises to change that. Significant progress has been made in using genomics to determine the safest, most effective course of treatments for individuals and, as these programs scale and go mainstream, we have reached a tipping point where they are starting to deliver on their promise of improving the health of communities and significantly lowering healthcare costs. 

Predictive Genomics and Microarray Tutorial Video


Learn about Predictive Genomics. The tutorial explain what Predictive Genomics, Population Genomics,  Pharmacogenomics and how Microarrays are used in these application areas.

Customer & Expert Testimonial Videos

What Should Be Reported to Participants in a Genomics Screening Program?


Several different types of information could be reported to participants in genomics-based screening programs. Rare inherited diseases might affect the participant themselves (autosomal dominant) or might not affect the participant but could affect their offspring (autosomal recessive). The risk for common complex diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, may be assessed by polygenic risk scores that combine the effects of multiple low-impact variants. Pharmacogenetics captures variation in the way humans process drugs. Traits and ancestry do not have direct medical implications. Each of these categories has pros and cons when considering their inclusion in a genomics-based screening program. Genomics-based screening is not currently recommended for routine clinical use, but results may be returned to participants as part of an IRB-approved research study.

How Health Systems and National Initiatives Benefit from Genotype-Phenotype Research Databases


Building a monetizable data asset is the most common rationale for investing in a large genotype-phenotype database, but there are several other compelling reasons to move forward, including better risk segmentation and targeting interventions, participant engagement and activation, participant recruitment/retention, “marketing sizzle,” the perception of innovation, and the recruitment/retention of high-quality physician-researchers.


Investing in a large genotype-phenotype research database creates a monetizable data asset, particularly for pharmaceutical companies. The basic hypothesis is that genetics can help drug-makers identify and accelerate the development of relevant molecules that reach the right disease targets, while avoiding investments in programs based on less well-validated targets.

The Impact of Genetic Diversity on the Future of Health and Medicine


Personalizing health by tailoring treatments and predicting disease risk is predicated on understanding individual variation related to disease, behavioral and environmental factors. Global initiatives have taken aim at collecting comprehensive genetic, biologic and clinical data. Unfortunately, the majority of these initiatives primarily include people of European descent, creating inequities in non-European populations. If health systems, governments and academic research institutes want to better serve their communities, citizens and research efforts, population-based biobanks need to be representative of people with different genetic backgrounds, including marginalized and hard-to-reach groups. Failure to do this will lead to further inequities in health care.

The selection of publications and posters below focuses on large-scale predictive genomic studies citing the use of the Axiom whole-genome microarray platform.

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Custom arrays

Microarray Research Services Laboratory
