



成份明确的Gibco Essential 8原始培养基配方经专门优化,能够延长PSC培养时两次换液的间隔时间。

不是的,Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基与Gibco Essential 8 培养基的产品设定是相同的;也是基础培养基与冻存的50X添加剂一并提供。

GibcoTM Essential 8 Flex培养基是在Gibco Essential 8原始培养基的基础上通过配方调整而得来,延长了PSC培养基中关键热敏成份(包括FGF2)的活性。



在每周初换用Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基可观察到最佳效果,Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基常规用于已建立好的无饲养层培养系统。

不同于其他免除了周末换液操作的市售商品化PSC培养液,Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基不需要为了避免换液而调节传代细胞的比例。有了Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基,您就可维持一周两次的分种安排并省去周末的换液操作了。  

Gibco 玻连蛋白(VTN-N)-截短型重组人源蛋白(Gibco Vitronectin (VTN-N) Recombinant Human Protein, Truncated,货号 A14700)与Gibco Geltrex 无LDEV,经hESC验证的低生长因子基底膜基质(Gibco Geltrex LDEV-Free, hESC Qualified Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix,货号A1413301或A1413302)两者均适用于Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基。  

Gibco 乙二胺四乙酸溶液(Gibco Versene Solution,货号 15040066)与酶解离法均适用于传代操作。

Gibco 乙二胺四乙酸溶液(货号 15040066),Gibco TrypLE Select酶(Gibco TrypLE Select Enzyme,货号 12563011)与Gibco StemPro Accutase细胞解离试剂(货号 A1110501)均能兼容Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基。

Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基与其他许多PSC培养基一样,在使用乙二胺四乙酸溶液成集落传代PSC细胞时,无需加入ROCK抑制剂。如果进行单细胞传代,我们则推荐添加Gibco RevitaCell添加剂(货号 A2644501)或其他ROCK抑制剂。

传代比例需基于您所使用的细胞系来确定。Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基通常能够良好兼容1:3至1:12的分种比例。


Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基的配制方法与Gibco Essential 8 原始培养基完全相同。唯一的差别在于换液的时间安排,Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基所需的换液间隔时间更为灵活,可维持连续两天无需换液。  

不可以,Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基是一个完整的试剂盒,其中基础培养基与冻存添加剂需配套使用。Gibco Essential 8 Flex培养基的组份不应与Gibco Essential 8培养基的组份混合。

不可以,GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex添加剂不宜在37°C水浴中化冻。在室温条件下化冻1小时左右可获得最佳结果。您也可在2–8°C条件下过夜化冻GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex添加剂,这样的操作可能会产生少量沉淀物。沉淀物的存在不会对培养基使用效果产生负面影响。

GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex添加剂中出现沉淀现象是比较少见的;不过,即使发现有沉淀,也不会影响培养基的使用效果。如果您在添加剂中观察到沉淀,请充分混匀后按常规操作将其加入GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex基础培养基中。  

为达到最佳效果,加入添加剂后的GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex完全培养基建议两周内用完。

不可以,请勿在37°C条件下温育GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基。将其缓慢平衡至室温效果最佳。

可以,GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中可添加ROCK抑制剂。我们推荐您使用GibcoTM RevitaCellTM添加剂(货号 A2644501),该产品专为最大程度地减少应激对PSC的影响而设计。

可以,GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基能够兼容单细胞传代操作。当您进行单细胞传代时,请确保使用了GibcoTM RevitaCellTM添加剂(货号 A2644501)或一些其他种类的ROCK抑制剂。


可以,在GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中常规培养的细胞可进行冻存和复苏,相关操作与使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基一致。

持续使用同款培养基培养您的PSC细胞将获得最佳结果。从GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基切换至GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基是一个十分简单的操作过程,您只需在一周开始时将细胞接种到GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中即可,在进入两天不换液的间隔期之前,最好对细胞进行一次传代操作。

由于持续使用单一的PSC培养基能够帮助获得最佳的培养效果,我们不推荐频繁地将细胞从一种培养基直接切换至另一种。持续使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基能够获得最佳结果。

StemBeadsTM FGF2添加剂一类的缓释产品能够向生长培养基中释放FGF2,从而补充随时间而逐渐丢失的FGF2活性,而GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基则能够避免FGF2的活性丧失。

不同于StemBeadsTM FGF2添加剂,GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基无需任何额外添加或优化操作,即可有效限制FGF2的活性丧失。

我们在省略每天换液的条件下,使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基培养多种细胞系多达50代,未发现明显影响。多能性标志物的表达(Tra-1-60,SSEA4,Sox2,Oct-4与Nanog),分化潜能与正常核型在GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基长期培养的条件下均得到保持。

和任何PSC培养一样,使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基可能会出现一些细胞碎片和pH值的下降情况。不过,我们未发现这些累积的废物对细胞生长或多能性方面造成长期的不良影响。


我们将细胞培养在GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中长达15代,未发现细胞的后续分化潜能受到任何影响。进行拟胚体分化和使用GibcoTM PSC神经诱导培养基(货号A1647801),GibcoTM PSC心肌细胞分化试剂盒(货号A25042SA),GibcoTM PSC定形内胚层诱导试剂盒(货号A27654SA)等产品进行分化均证明这些细胞拥有三系分化潜能。

培养在GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中的细胞能够保持PSC的正常形态,如紧凑均一的细胞克隆,清晰边界和高核质比等特征。

我们在GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基培养多株PSC细胞系超过50代,未观察到多能标志物表达方面的显著改变。

对于GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基中长期培养的细胞,其分化为外胚层,内胚层,中胚层谱系的潜力不受影响。这一结论是由拟胚体的自发分化实验和神经干细胞,心肌细胞和定形内胚层的定向分化实验确认过的。

我们将本品的使用结果与GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基搭配InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0 仙台病毒重编程试剂盒的实验结果进行了比较,未发现重编程效率方面受到明显影响。我们推荐在克隆形成阶段每天进行换液(第7-28天)。

我们目前尚未就基因编辑操作开展GibcoTM Essential 8TM Flex培养基的测试。

GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基是一种不含异源成份,无需饲养层的培养基产品,专为人源多能干细胞(PSC)的生长和增殖而配制。GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基最初由James Thomson实验室的Chen等(Chen G, Gulbranson DR, Hou Z et al (2010) Chemically defined conditions for human iPSC derivation and culture.Nat Methods 8:424–429)开发,并通过Cellular Dynamics International验证;到目前为止已久经测试,可维持多类PSC细胞系的多能性。

GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基仅含培养PSC所需的八种必需成份。本品最初由Chen等(Chen G, Gulbranson DR, Hou Z et al (2010) Chemically defined conditions for human iPSC derivation and culture.Nat Methods 8:424–429).研发,  目的是为了克服mTeSRTM培养基中所发现的变异度问题。GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基中专门以不含白蛋白(BSA)的有限成份的设计减少变异度(参见下表)。GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基为用户准备了方便的两组分试剂盒:500 mL GibcoTM Essential 8TM基础培养基与10 mL GibcoTM Essential 8TM添加剂(50X)。

是的。GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基中含有100 ng/mL碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF),因此无需额外添加bFGF。

GibcoTM玻连蛋白(VTN-N)是按照人源玻连蛋白62-478号氨基酸片段设计,在大肠杆菌中表达的截短型人源重组蛋白。VTN-N经内涵体纯化和重新折叠,适合在人源PSC无饲养层培养体系作为基质使用(Chen G, Gulbranson DR, Hou Z et al (2010) Chemically defined conditions for human iPSC derivation and culture.Nat Methods 8:424–429)。当与GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基联用时,VTN-N经验证能够帮助维持多种PSC细胞系的多能性和正常生长。


以GibcoTM玻连蛋白(VTN-N)作为细胞生长基质使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基的条件相比使用其他无饲养层系统而言,有三个主要差别需要加以考量:

  • 通常细胞的传代时间比其他无饲养层培养基提前24小时左右。
  • 细胞在达到85%左右的汇合度时即需要传代。如果细胞传代时超过了85%的汇合度,细胞健康度及最终的细胞得率都会下降。
  • 细胞应使用EDTA进行传代。不推荐使用胶原酶或分散酶。  

是的。GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基不含异源成份,是仅有8种成份的培养基,能够为您提供健康和可靠的培养效果。

GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基与玻连蛋白经证明能够支持PSC的生长达50代以上而不会发生任何核型异常,同时这些PSC仍保持着分化为三胚层的能力。James Thomson实验室Chen等报道(Chen G, Gulbranson DR, Hou Z et al (2010) Chemically defined conditions for human iPSC derivation and culture.Nat Methods 8:424–429.),玻连蛋白的VTN-N变异体与GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基联用时相比野生型玻连蛋白能更好地支持人多能干细胞的贴壁和存活。。

相比现有其他种类的无饲养层培养基,GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基的变异度更小。不同于其他含有超过20种高度变异性成份的培养基,GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基在cGMP标准下生产,拥有最优化的配方和生长因子水平,能够以最小的变异度帮助用户获得最大的细胞健康度,多能性和生长效果。

培养于其它无饲养层培养体系的细胞,例如mTeSRTM培养基搭配MatrigelTM基底膜基质,或StemProTM hESC SFM搭配GeltrexTM基质,也能够成功培养于GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基搭配VTN-N的体系中。此外,在饲养层细胞搭配KnockOutTM SR中培养的PSC经证明也能够培养于GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基搭配VTN-N的组合中。不过在更换培养基体系之前,细胞必须手工传代或用EDTA进行传代到GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基搭配VTN-N的体系中。

可以。在mTeSRTM培养基和BD MatrigelTM基底膜基质条件下培养并冻存的PSC细胞可用GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基复苏,再种到VTN-N基质包被的板上。某些细胞系使用冻存前的原生长培养基及基质进行复苏可能效果会更好。在随后的传代过程中,使用EDTA将这些细胞传代至GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基和VTN-N的培养体系中。


如需配置500 mL 完全GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基,请将GibcoTM Essential 8TM添加剂(50X)室温化冻1小时,之后于无菌条件下将下列成份混合在一起:





GibcoTM Essential 8TM基础培养基


490 mL

GibcoTM Essential 8TM添加剂



10 mL

在配制GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基时,不能使用其他货号的DMEM/F-12替代GibcoTM Essential 8TM基础培养基。试剂盒中提供的GibcoTM Essential 8TM基础培养基含有更高浓度的碳酸氢钠。


GibcoTM Essential 8TM完全培养基的保质期为2–8°C条件下放置两周。

非常重要的是,GibcoTM Essential 8TM完全培养基需放置在室温下进行平衡,请勿在37°C水浴中平衡。bFGF活性会在从4°C至37°C的温度反复改变中迅速降低。



培养在GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基与VTN-N组合中的细胞应使用EDTA进行传代。

分散酶与胶原酶一类的酶并不适用于GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基和GibcoTM玻连蛋白(VTN-N)的组合。使用这些酶类传代会导致细胞活力和贴壁能力下降。

我们推荐您使用以不含钙或镁的Dulbecco氏磷酸缓冲盐溶液(DPBS)制备的 0.5 mM EDTA溶液。(货号14190-144(在欧洲,货号为14190-094))







可以,细胞可常规冻存于GibcoTM Essential 8TM完全培养基+10% DMSO中。






实际上,在基于饲养层的培养体系中,分散酶(2 mg/mL)需要37°C条件下进行15-25分钟的孵育。无饲养层的培养体系需2-3分钟的解离时间。分散酶是一种更强烈的酶,所以起效更快,但也意味着当收获PSC细胞团时,它们对后续的吹打更为敏感。在收获细胞团时,它们会被上下吸取数次,从而形成适当大小的团块。如果应用IV型胶原酶收获细胞,则由于细胞团更难分解,可施加更多次数的吹打,不过这也意味着细胞团不至于被解离成非常小的团块。如果采用分散酶收获细胞,它们需吹打的次数更少,用户也需要多加小心,不要将细胞团分散过度。两种酶的使用效果均不错,如果您拥有足够的经验,您可能更喜欢使用分散酶节省操作时间。但对于经验不足的用户,我们推荐您使用IV型胶原酶,因为它更为安全,过度吹打造成培养物损伤的可能性也更小。

我们测试和确认了适用于下列PSC生长培养基:GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基,GibcoTM StemProTM hESC SFM,mTesR1TM培养基和含有GibcoTM KnockOutTM血清替代物(KSR)的饲养层依赖的培养基。



GibcoTM RevitaCellTM添加剂经测试能够兼容GibcoTM GeltrexTM基质,GibcoTM玻连蛋白,LN-521TM干细胞基质和iMatrix-511。

不可以。GibcoTM RevitaCellTM添加剂与传统的ROCK抑制剂联用时会对PSC造成不良影响。


PSC冻存试剂盒包含了无异源成份的PSC冻存培养基——该产品是用于冻存早期传代的多能干细胞(PSC)的即用型溶液,以及GibcoTM RevitacellTM添加剂(100X)——应用于解冻后培养基的化学成份明确的复苏添加剂。这些试剂组合使用时,有助于将细胞活力的丧失降至最小,使细胞复苏后的恢复最大化,并尽可能减少PSC不期望的分化情况发生。本试剂盒也可用于冻存和复苏外周血单核细胞(PBMCs ),增强其复苏后的细胞活力及恢复情况。



可以。To ensure optimum recovery of PSCs following single-cell passaging, PSCs should be fed with Essential 8™ Flex Medium the day before passaging.

The optimal working concentration of rhLaminin-521 is cell line dependent and must be determined empirically.However, for some cell lines, coating concentrations as low as 0.3 μg/cm2 can be used with no decrease in performance.Additionally, coating plates overnight at 4 degrees C can support coating concentrations as low as 0.1 μg/cm2.

We recommend that you leave the product on ice while prepping to use it.

Yes, you may use EDTA or versene.However, we do not recommend using dispase or collagenase as it can lead to differentiation.

The formulation is the same for both products.KnockOut Serum Replacement Multi-Species is a Research Use Only product designed for use in basic research applications whereas KnockOut Serum Replacement is recommended for pre-clinical and clinical applications.

可以。If you switch to KnockOut Serum Replacement Multi-Species for basic research applications, there will be little change to your experience with the product and it does not require regulatory documentation (or medical device clearance).

The product can undergo one freeze/thaw cycle so we recommend thawing the vial and making single-use aliquots to refreeze.

The product is stable for up to 4 weeks when stored at 4 degrees C and protected from light.

We do not determine the sex of the embryos.The embryos were pooled from several litters which are a mixture of male and female.

Yes, the culture vessel needs to be coated with Attachment Factor Protein (Cat.No. S006100) at 37 degrees C for 30 min or at room temperature for 2 hours.The coated vessels can be used immediately or stored at room temperature for up to 24 hours.

These cells should be plated 24 hours prior to plating the ESCs or iPSCs and should be used for only 7-10 days.

We recommend seeding these cells at densities ranging from 2 x 10E4 to 5.5 x 10E4 cells/cm2.A good starting point is 3 x 10E4 cells/cm2.If the feeder cells are too sparse, they may not maintain the pluripotent cells without differentiation, and the pluripotent cells may not attach well.If the feeder cells are too dense, the feeder layer may detach from the plate, and the culture will be lost.

CF1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts do not have drug resistance.CF6 mouse embryonic fibroblasts are resistant to Neomycin/geneticin (G418).DR 4 mouse embryonic fibroblasts are resistant to geneticin (G418), puromycin, hygromycin, and 6-thioguanine.

Either method will work in arresting cell division.However, the irradiation process will ensure that cell division will cease regardless of cell aggregation.Cell clumping can potentially not inactivate all cells when using mitomycin C, as cells within clumps may not be exposed to the mitomycin C. Irradiated cells are preferred by those who have concerns about chemical treatment.Mitomycin C-treated cells are preferred by those who have concerns about DNA damage from irradiation.

可以。Following reconstitution, complete StemFlex Medium can be aliquoted and stored at -5 to -20 degrees C for up to 6 months.Alternatively, aliquots of the supplement can be made and frozen at -5 to -20 degrees C for up to 6 months.避免多次冻融循环。

Versene passaging is recommended for routine culture of PSCs in StemFlex Medium.

The use of ROCK inhibitor is not required when culturing in StemFlex Medium on rhLaminin-521.However, supplementation with RevitaCell Supplement can provide additional support to PSCs during stressful transitions such as single-cell passaging.

StemFlex Medium will accommodate most feeding schedules including every day and weekend-free schedules.For a list of recommended feeding schedules, visit thermofisher.com/stemflex.

可以。We recommend following the coating instructions for Vitronectin or rhLaminin-521 and using the culture and passaging recommendations in the StemFlex protocol.

The formulation of StemFlex medium does include BSA and thus is not considered xeno-free.It is more defined than mTeSR1 as it contains less material in the formulation.Essential 8 and Essential 8 Flex are recommended for the most defined and xeno-free PSC culture media.

StemFlex Medium is a more robust medium than TeSR-E8 but has fewer components than mTeSR.Performance of StemFlex Medium was shown to be superior to mTeSR1 in a number of applications including single-cell passaging, gene editing and reprogramming.

This transition is very straightforward.We recommend at least a 2-passage transition into the StemFlex Medium system.Briefly, if you have cryopreserved cells previously cultured in the mTeSR1/Matrigel system, we recommend thawing the cells back into mTeSR1/Matrigel until fully recovered.Upon reaching ~70-85% confluency, passage using Versene solution and seed directly into the StemFlex Medium system.

可以。PSCs cryopreserved from cultures of other media systems may be thawed directly into the StemFlex Medium system.However, certain lines may benefit from thawing into the medium and substrate they were growing in at the time of cryopreservation.Then at the next passage, use Versene solution to passage the cells into the StemFlex Medium system.

We recommend use of the Neon Electroporation device for electroporation of PSCs with Cas9 protein:guide RNA complex following the protocol guidance in the following demonstrated protocol; see the section entitled “Knockout by electroporation of RNP using the Neon Transfection System.”We have seen that the Neon electroporation protocols 7 and 14 provide optimal indel formation while maintaining cell survival.However, the electroporation conditions may need to be optimized for your pluripotent cell line.

可以。We use Antibiotic-Antimycotic (Cat.No. 15240062) for additional protection from contamination.

We recommend feeding of cells every three days, even in the presence of RevitaCell Supplement up to ˜14 days in culture.

We have not yet evaluated the Geltrex matrix system for clonal expansion in the presence of StemFlex Medium.However, rhLaminin-521 does provide optimal survival of cells following single-cell passaging and thus this matrix is recommended for such critical applications.

可以。We have seen compatibility with the following differentiation kits provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific: PSC Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat.No. A2921201), PSC Definitive Endoderm Induction Kit (Cat.No. A3062601), PSC Neural Induction Medium (Cat.No. A1647801), and PSC Dopaminergic Neuron Differentiation Kit (Cat.No. A3147701).

可以。If improved reprogramming efficiency is required, then you may utilize Essential 7 (Essential 6 + bFGF) or Essential 8 Medium for reprogramming somatic cells and directly transition them into StemFlex Medium system upon colony selection.

We have evaluated the use of Cytotune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit (Cat.No. A16517) for somatic cell reprogramming of both neonatal and adult human dermal fibroblasts.For fibroblasts, follow the instructions provided in the Cytotune 2.0 reprogramming manual for feeder-free reprogramming (pgs.16-20).On Day 7, you may use rhVTN-N (Cat.No. A14700), Geltrex matrix (Cat.No. A1413302), or rhLaminin-521 (Cat.No. A29248 or A29249).From Day 8 onward, rather than feeding daily with Essential 8 Medium, we recommend that you feed reprogrammed fibroblasts every-other-day with StemFlex Medium.

We have evaluated the use of Cytotune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit (Cat.No. A16517) for somatic cell reprogramming of CD34+ blood cells.For CD34+ cells, follow the instructions provided in the Cytotune 2.0 reprogramming manual for feeder-free reprogramming (pgs.39-44).On Day 3, you can utilize rhVTN-N (Cat.No. A14700), Geltrex (Cat.No. A1413302), or rhLaminin-521 (Cat.No. A29248 or A29249).From Day 8 onward, rather than feeding daily with Essential 8 Medium, reprogrammed CD34+ cells should be fed every-other-day with StemFlex Medium.

StemFlex Medium contains basic FGF which has been shown to result in differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to mouse-derived epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs).Also, mESCs demonstrate dependence on leukemia inhibitor factor (LIF).Therefore, StemFlex Medium is not recommended for culture of mESCs.


Yes, cell density should be optimized to attain full confluency at day 7 in the specification medium to have an efficient differentiation.

We have tested neural stem cells (NSCs) isolated from fetal tissue or derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), and have seen that both populations can benefit from maturation medium (DMEM/F12 + Dopaminergic Neuron Maturation Supplement) to have nicely spread homogenous neurons with reduced progenitor population.Matured neurons can be further maintained in neurobasal medium supplemented with Dopaminergic Neuron Maturation Supplement.

  • 心肌细胞分化培养基A:通过对BMP/ activin通路的激活和糖原激酶3的抑制,推动PSC向中胚层细胞转化。
  • 心肌细胞分化培养基B:通过抑制Wnt通路诱导心脏中胚层形成
  • 心肌细胞维持培养基:使心肌细胞成熟化


我们推荐您使用GibcoTM GeltrexTM 无LDEV,经hESC验证的低生长因子基底膜基质(货号A1413301或A1413302)或在不含异源成份的应用中使用GibcoTM玻连蛋白(VTN-N)-截短型重组人源蛋白(货号A14700)。




我们推荐使用EDTA传代PSCs,在冻存前使用GibcoTM TrypLETM酶分离心肌细胞。



分化后的细胞可维持一个月乃至更长,可供长期研究使用。我们推荐您搭配使用GibcoTM GeltexTM基质用于长期培养。


是的。差异性的存在是正常的,发现某一细胞系未能有效分化也并不少见。在实验中包含一个对照细胞系——例如经验证能够良好分化的人ESC H1或H9细胞——可能会有帮助。

我们推荐您使用EDTA传代PSCs。如需接种定形内胚层诱导用的细胞,我们推荐您使用StemProTM AccutaseTM细胞解离试剂形成小细胞团块,使用GibcoTM TrypLETM酶将细胞分散为单细胞。

We recommend using Vitronectin (VTN-N) Recombinant Human Protein, Truncated, Cat.No. A14700, but Geltrex™ LDEV-Free hESC-qualified Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix, Cat.No. A1413301 or Cat.No. A1413302, can also be used.





我们提供InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit,货号A16517,A16518),这是一套非整合型的系统,通过仙台病毒载体将体细胞重编程为诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs)。InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒包含了三种用于递送和表达关键遗传因子的InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0重编程载体,这些因子的表达对于将体细胞重编程为iPSCs的操作是必需的。只需要一次应用这些载体即可成功的实现重编程。

此外,我们还提供附着体iPSC重编程载体,其同样是非整合型系统能将体细胞重编程为诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs)。本品是三种载体的混合物,为在无饲养层环境下生成iPSC提供优化的体系,具有非病毒介导、无基因组整合的特点。这些附着体iPSC重编程载体最初由Junying Yu与James Thomson开发,并经过Cellular Dynamics International的进一步优化,能够胜任大量不同种类的体细胞的重编程操作。  

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)是一套非整合型的系统,通过仙台病毒载体将体细胞重编程为诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs)。InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒包含三种InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0重编程载体,其中包括了Yamanka四因子,Oct3/4,Sox2,Klf4和c-Myc。这些转录因子在体细胞中的表达被证明是成功诱导iPSCs的关键因素。成功的重编程操作只需这些载体的一次应用即可实现。




货No. A16517

货No. A16518

Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 KOS


100 μL

3 × 100 μL

Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 hc-Myc


100 μL

3 × 100 μL

Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 hKlf4


100 μL

3 × 100 μL


InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)是一套非整合型的系统,能够将体细胞重编程为诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)。本试剂盒利用四种仙台病毒载体,分别表达Yamanaka四因子中的一种:Oct3/4,Sox2,Klf4与c-Myc。这些转录因子在体细胞中的表达被证明是成功诱导iPSC的关键因素。  

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)能够为用户提供更高的重编程效率,更快的载体清除率,以及更低的细胞毒性。相比已停产的原始InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02),

2.0试剂盒包含了三个载体,其中一个是专为增强重编程效率而设计的多顺反子载体(InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0 KOS)。这一多顺反子载体具有与众不同的骨架——在聚合酶相关基因中包含了温度敏感的突变,这一突变能够帮助用户在重编程操作完成后更快地清除病毒,对细胞毒性也更小。


KOS的多顺反子设定中需要额外的聚合酶活性补偿同一载体上的三种基因组合。InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0系统以hKlf4载体提供额外的聚合酶活力,驱动所有载体的重编程进程并提升重编程效率。此外,增加hKlf4的表达也能够提升重编程效率。


InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)中所包含的重编程载体无法与原来的InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)相兼容。Do not mix or substitute Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 reprogramming vectors with the reprogramming vectors from the original kits.

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产。

仙台病毒,也称为日本血凝病毒(HVJ),是在1950年代初期在日本仙台首次分离到的小鼠和大鼠呼吸道病毒。该病毒属于副粘病毒科的I型小鼠副流感病毒。SeV是具有包膜的病毒,直径为150-250 nm,其基因组是单链的反义RNA(含15384个碱基)。这种病毒通过与各类细胞表面呈递的唾液酸受体相结合进而感染细胞,因此能够广泛感染各类动物的多种细胞。  


InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒中的仙台病毒载体是基于一种经修饰,不具有传染能力的SeV进行设计的,其中的融合基因(F)已经被删除。病毒载体仍保留了对广泛细胞的全部感染能力;不过由于病毒基因组中缺乏F基因,它们已无法在被侵染细胞中产生感染性的病毒粒子。仙台病毒载体转入了能够翻译出hOct3/4,hSox2,hKlf4和hc-Myc蛋白的基因。病毒载体在转导后会使细胞表达这四个基因,从而介导重编程过程。





是的。下列类型的血细胞已经通过原始InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM -iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒成功实现了重编程操作:CD34+,循环T细胞和PBMC。查询 实验方案参考文献。 


尽管人类并非SeV的天然宿主,该病毒对人体也无致病性,不过必须采取适当的保护,以避免发生与该病毒潜在的粘膜接触。InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒必须在包含生物安全柜和层流罩的二级生物安全(BL-2)防范条件下使用,并使用适当的个人安全设施以避免粘膜暴露/泼溅情况的发生。




请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产。



请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。


对于每个孔均按照2 x 10E5至3 x 10E5个细胞/孔的推荐密度种植人体真皮成纤维细胞的6孔板而言,一个试剂盒(每种载体一管,即总计3管)足够以MOI=5:5:3(KOS,hc-Myc,hKlf4)的比例转染其中的5个孔。病毒仅能使用一次,因为每个冻融循环都会造成病毒滴度的显著降低。

一个试剂盒(每种载体一管,即总计4管)足够以MOI=3的条件转染6孔板(5 x 10E5个细胞/孔)的2个孔。本试剂盒有两种规格:货号A13780-01的包装含每种载体1管(总计4管),而货号A13780-02的包装含每种载体3管(总计12管)。病毒仅能使用一次,因为每个冻融循环都会造成病毒滴度的显著降低。

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。


请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。

MOI(感染复数)是描述病毒粒子与细胞之间比值的一个参数。InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0试剂盒三种载体中的每一种都应基于推荐的MOI值来加入细胞中。我们推荐用户按照以下MOI值作为起点,若重编程效率不佳可进行调整。



InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0 KOS


Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 hc-Myc


Invitrogen™ CytoTune™ 2.0 hKlf4





请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。


如果您希望使用InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0对PBMC进行无饲养层条件下的重编程,您可按照现有的InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0 PBMC方案来操作,不过需要在第三天将细胞种植于GibcoTM玻连蛋白或GeltrexTM基质中代替MEF,之后在第7-8天以GibcoTM Essential 8TM代替GibcoTM KnockOutTM基于血清替代物的PSC培养基。  


最适培养基将基于您所使用的特定体细胞类型的不同而发生变化。对于成纤维细胞而言,我们推荐使用如下培养基。如需配制100 mL完全培养基,请在无菌条件下将以下组份混合在一起:  






Dulbecco氏改良的Eagle培养基(DMEM),含高葡萄糖和GlutaMaxTM-1和丙酮酸钠(货号 10569-010)



89 mL

MEM 非必需氨基酸溶液
(货号 11140-050)


10 mM

0.1 mM

1 mL

(货号 16141-079)



10 mL

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。

对于有饲养层的培养体系而言,重编程细胞可培养在GibcoTM KnockOutTM血清替代物(KSR)的完全培养基中;对于无饲养层的培养体系而言,重编程细胞可培养于GibcoTM StemProTM hESC SFM中。对于KSR培养基而言,我们推荐使用如下培养基。如需配制100 mL 人iPSC培养基,请于无菌条件中将以下组份混合在一起:






KnockOutTM DMEM/F-12(货号 12660-012)



78 mL

KSR(货号 10828-028)



20 mL

MEM 非必需氨基酸溶液
(货号 11140-050)


10 mM

0.1 mM

1 mL



100 倍


1 mL

β-巯基乙醇,1000X(货号 21985-023)




100 µL

(货号 15140-122)


100 倍


1 mL

bFGF*(货号 PHG0264)


10 µg/mL

4 ng/mL

100 µL


请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。

重编程的细胞可生长于标准的iPSC培养基中。我们推荐在有饲养层的条件下使用添加GibcoTM KnockOutTM血清替代物(KSR)的培养基,或在无饲养层的条件下使用GibcoTM Essential 8TM培养基。请参考用户手册获取完整的实验方案。


请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。



您可按照冻存任意多能干细胞的实验方案来冻存iPSC。推荐使用含10% DMSO的生长培养基来冻存细胞。如需获取完整的实验方案,请访问我们的web实验方案

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒能够为BJ成纤维细胞提供0.02-1.2%的重编程效率。这一参数在其他种类的细胞上可能会有所改变。请点击此处以获取更多相关信息。 

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(已停产)能够为用户提供比慢病毒法高100倍以上的iPSC重编程效率,重编程效率在0.01%-1%之间。不同重编程方法之间的效率比较,请参见下表。

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM试剂盒(仙台病毒)  












我们不推荐在使用InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒或InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒的过程中使用VPA。  

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产。


请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产。

iPSC克隆可通过碱性磷酸酶染色法轻松实现可视化,相关试剂盒有碱性磷酸酶活细胞染色试剂盒(Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain,货号 A14353)。请参见以下图像。此外,重编程克隆可通过Tra1-60或Tra1-81抗体的活细胞染色来进行筛选,这些抗体能够识别未分化的iPSC,进而帮助用户从各种人体细胞中鉴定出重编程细胞。请参考用户手册获取完整的实验方案。



请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产。

为了维持iPSC的健康状态,须对这些细胞进行监控并每天更换生长培养基。通常情况下,在细胞达到70-80%汇合度或多数克隆直径大于700 μm时,应对iPSC克隆进行传代。请参考用户手册获取完整的实验方案。  

It can take as few as five or as many as fifteen passages for the virus to clear from the cell.In rare cases Sendai sequences can persist indefinitely.Clearance rate is clone-dependent and can be confirmed by PCR or by anti-Sendai antibody.For more information about generating vector-free iPSCs, please refer to the user manual.

通常情况下5-10代就可将病毒从细胞中清除出去。多种方法都可确证病毒的清除效果,如使用抗仙台病毒的抗体进行染色,或使用TaqManTM-iPSC仙台病毒检测试剂盒进行RT-PCR(货号 A13640),请参见InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM -iPS仙台重编程试剂盒手册中的第17页。下列数据证实了通过InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒获得的iPSC中已不含病毒。


B)抗仙台病毒抗体的免疫荧光染色结果显示,使用InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒获得的iPSC中已不含仙台病毒。  

请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。

我们通常配制2 mg/mL的工作液,我们一般不将每毫克的酶学单位数考虑在内,因为不同批次的酶该参数是不同的。我们意识到不同批号的分散酶可能拥有不同的酶活,不过迄今为止我们使用目前这种方法未遇任何问题。务必不要将细胞在分散酶中孵育过长时间,此酶起效很快,孵育过长时间会导致细胞团块的直径过小。即使每批酶产品的活性可能略有差异,孵育2-3分钟左右的时间应该是不会有问题的。



请注意InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A13780-01,A13780-02)已经停产,并由InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂盒(货号A16517,A16518)所取代。

InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-EmGFP仙台病毒荧光报告基因是一个携带EmGFP基因的荧光对照载体。荧光对照载体能够帮助用户确定所关注的细胞能够接受还是抵抗仙台病毒重编程载体的感染。  




如果您希望在重编程过程中应用EmGFP报告基因,就必须在重编程操作的同时加入。感染过仙台病毒的细胞对于后续的感染会产生抵抗。因此,不要试图对已经转导了InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-EmGFP仙台病毒荧光报告基因的细胞加入InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM-iPS 2.0仙台病毒重编程试剂,反之亦然。

您可通过多种方法确认细胞中仙台病毒的存在,包括使用抗仙台病毒的抗体进行染色,或使用TaqManTM-iPSC仙台病毒检测试剂盒进行RT-PCR(货号 A13640),请参见InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM -iPS仙台重编程试剂盒手册中的第17页。 

对于包含3种载体(KOS,cMyc,Klf4)的InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0试剂盒而言,cMyc与KOS载体均能通过升温至39°C去除。升温对于cMyc载体更为有效,对KOS载体也能起效。


在包含四种载体(Oct4,Sox,Klf4,cMyc)的原InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM试剂盒中,仅有cMyc载体能够通过升温至39°C清除。其他三种载体在39°C条件下仍具有活性。

没有,我们未提供这样的引物。不过,您可使用TaqManTM iPSC仙台病毒检测试剂盒(目录号 A12640)这一替代法进行检测,该产品能够指示iPS细胞中存在的InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM载体。如果检测到了InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM载体,您就需要继续对细胞进行传代。如果未检测到InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM载体,您就可观察重编程基因的表达情况了,可以肯定任何表达都是内源基因介导的,而非引入的重编程载体。当然,这一方法仅适用于已建立的iPSC。如需研究重编程过程中内源基因的激活情况,用户就需要掌握载体的完整序列信息(不过这一信息是保密的)。  

TaqManTM iPSC仙台病毒检测试剂盒专为第一版InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM试剂盒而设计,不过第一版与第二版载体之间存在着部分序列重叠。我们推荐用户使用qPCR技术与SeV骨架引物组合观察InvitrogenTM CytoTuneTM 2.0试剂盒的病毒全部清除效果,如需观察某一特定载体的存在情况,用户可能需要用手册中列举的引物进行终点法PCR。这些引物不适用于qPCR。对于SeV骨架,有单独的 TaqMan引物组合。  

在MEF饲养层上培养的iPSCs可适应到GibcoTM StemProTM hESC SFM的无饲养层体系中。这一操作可通过直接在MEF条件培养基(MEF-CM)中复苏或分种iPSCs,再每天使用含递增StemProTM hESC SFM成份的培养基换液来实现。如需获取完整的实验方案,请访问我们的 网络实验方案 

The label use statement is listed on the Certificate of Analysis (COA) and is as foll:

For research use and non-commercial manufacturing of cell based products for clinical research.注意:Not intended for direct administration into animals or humans.

The kit is manufactured according to GMP requirements and the drug master file is available for submission to FDA upon customer request.

The CTS CytoTune-iPS 2.1 Sendai vector formulation does not contain the bovine serum albumin carrier protein.Additionally, the preparation contains no animal-derived components at the primary component level.Each virus (i.e., KOS, L-Myc, and Kfl4) comes in a volume of 200 µL instead of 100 µL.The titer of the CTS CytoTune-iPS 2.1 Sendai Reprogramming Kit can range from 0.5 x 10E8 to 2.0 x 10E8 virus particles per mL whereas the titer of the CytoTune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit is typically around 1.0 x 10E8 virus particles per mL.

The L-Myc virus was chosen over the c-Myc virus because it is considered superior from a safety perspective, for clinical applications (L-myc is reported to have lower transformation/oncogenic potential than c-myc).

It is more expensive because of its label use statement: For research use and non-commercial manufacturing of cell based products for clinical research.注意:Not intended for direct administration into animals or humans.The kit is manufactured according to GMP requirements and the drug master file is available for submission to FDA upon customer request, for use in clinical research.

No, the reprogramming steps are in principle the same but it is important to consider the difference in titer between the two kits when transducing cells at certain MOIs.

The CTS CytoTune-iPS 2.1 Sendai Reprogramming Kit is sufficient to reprogram a minimum of six wells in a six-well plate.One well has a surface area of approximately 10 cm2.



  • GibcoTM StemProTM神经干细胞(货号A15654或A15655):分离自人胚胎脑部皮层组织,并按照药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)进行生产。每批产品均源自同一主细胞库(相同供体),所以批次之间的变异度很小。细胞倍增时间在100小时左右。
  • GibcoTM 人神经干细胞(源自H9)(货号 N7800):以专利方法诱导H9人源ESC产生。细胞倍增时间为约40-50小时,并随传代次数增加而延长。


我们不推荐使用GibcoTM StemProTM NSC SFM扩增以GibcoTM PSCs神经诱导培养基(货号 A1647801)诱导出来的NSCs,因为使用这一培养基来扩增NSCs时,某些hPSCs细胞系来源的NSCs形态将发生改变。我们推荐使用神经元扩增培养基来扩增这些NSCs,如此处所述。

我们推荐您使用GibcoTM StemProTM AccutaseTM细胞解离试剂(货号 A11105)。详细实验方案列举于PSC神经诱导培养基手册中。


大鼠胶质前体细胞是从出生2天的新生Sprague Dawley大鼠皮层中分离得到的,并于第2次传代后进行冻存。  


这些细胞是从E14孕期的Sprague Dawley大鼠胚胎皮层中分离得到的。它们能够以未分化的性状在培养条件下扩增三代。


  • 做为一般性的指南,我们推荐您使用GibcoTM B-27TM添加剂培养神经干细胞,海马及其他类型的CNS神经元。
  • 对于PNS和CNS中的神经母细胞瘤或有丝分裂后的神经元,可添加GibcoTM N-2添加剂。  
  • 对于原代胶质细胞(星形胶质细胞)或具有星形胶质细胞表型的肿瘤细胞系(星形胶质细胞和胶质细胞瘤),或少突胶质细胞,可使用GibcoTM G-5添加剂。

我们针对此项应用提供了GibcoTM HibernateTM培养基产品。当加入GibcoTM B-27TM添加剂与GibcoTM GlutaMAXTM-1添加剂时,此培养基能够允许用户在环境CO2条件下操作神经元至少48小时,同时保持其活力;也能够在4°C储存条件下保持脑组织的活力长达一个月的时间。我们提供两种HibernateTM培养基:

  • GibcoTM HibernateTM-A培养基(货号 A1247501)专为出生后神经元而配制。
  • GibcoTM HibernateTM-E培养基(货号 A1247601)专为胚胎神经元而配制。


当神经细胞成熟时,L-谷氨酸盐具有兴奋毒性。对于原代海马神经元及其他种类的胚胎神经元而言,我们推荐您在初始种板的培养基中加入 25 µM L-谷氨酸盐。不过,4天之后就不应添加L-谷氨酸盐成份了,因为超过4天后L-谷氨酸盐对神经元细胞具有毒性。



  • GibcoTM B-27TM无血清添加剂(货号17504044):含有适合长期培养并保持神经元活性的完全配方。
  • GibcoTM B-27TM无抗氧化剂型添加剂(Supplement minus AO)(货号10889038):未添加五种抗氧化剂。该添加剂是研究氧化损伤,凋亡,或神经元出现自由基损伤等相关应用的理想选择。
  • GibcoTM B-27TM无胰岛素型添加剂(Supplement minus insulin)(货号A1895601):去除了胰岛素。本品是研究胰岛素分泌与胰岛素受体的理想之选。
  • GibcoTM B-27TM无维生素A型添加剂(Supplement minus Vitamin A)(货号12587010):去除会导致神经分化的维生素A成份。本添加剂是研究干细胞增殖的理想选择。

我们同时也为电生理实验准备了GibcoTM B-27TM添加剂生理试剂盒(Supplement Physiology Kit,货号A1413701)。

GibcoTM B-27TM 生理试剂盒专门针对电生理实验进行了优化能够提升神经网络放电率。其中所包含的附加成份能够帮助增加神经细胞的放电率和促进突触生成。

It is better to treat differentiating neurons continuously with CultureOne Supplement.You can withdraw CultureOne Supplement after 2 weeks of differentiation; however, withdrawal of CultureOne Supplement may increase the chances of clumps reforming in the culture.

CultureOne Supplement can be frozen and thawed up to 3 times without affecting the product performance.

CultureOne Supplement accelerates the maturation of all types of differentiating neurons.

Stem Cell Staining

AP is a phenotypic marker of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), including undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (ESCs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), embryonic germ cells (EGCs) and Embryonic Carcinoma Cells (ECCs).While AP is expressed in most cell types, its expression is highly elevated in PSCs.Therefore, AP staining has been used to differentially stain PSCs to easily distinguish them from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) used as feeders and parental fibroblasts commonly used in reprogramming experiments.

The Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain is a stem cell imaging product that allows users to differentially stain pluripotent stem cells (PSCs).The AP Live Stain utilizes an easy, non-permanent, cell viable protocol for identifying PSCs in your experiments.The stain is provided as a concentrated solution that is diluted in basal medium prior to adding to cells.

The dye is a cell-permeable fluorescent substrate for alkaline phosphatase (AP) that is non-toxic to cells, diffusing out over the course of two hours.Simply dilute the dye in basal medium, apply to cells, gently wash, and the cells are ready for fluorescent imaging.

Unlike traditional alkaline phosphatase staining assays, which are terminal, the Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain allows you to visualize your pluripotent stem cell colonies without destroying your cells.The alkaline phosphatase substrate in the Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain is non-toxic to cells and diffuses out in two hours.

One vial of Alkaline Phosphatase Live Stain consists of 50 µL of a 500X fluorescein-based dye in DMSO, sufficient for four 24-well plates, twelve 6-cm dishes, or four 10-cm dishes.

This product may be used to stain mouse and human PSCs, as well as embryonic germ cells and embryonic carcinoma cells. 

There are a few key usage steps around removing the growth medium, diluting the stain, and washing the cells.We recommend this short video before use.Alternatively, the subsequent AP Live Stain FAQs address these key points.

Remove the AP Live Stain vial from the –20°C freezer and thaw at room temperature.Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles and aliquot if necessary.Maintain the stock solution and aliquots protected from light in amber tubes and minimize exposure to atmospheric conditions.To prepare a 1X AP Live Stain working solution, dilute the 500X stock solution in DMEM/F-12 (Cat.No. 10565-018).Use the diluted dye immediately.

The diluted dye must be used immediately.Do not store diluted dye for later use.

Do not add the concentrated 500X stock solution directly to the dish.AP Live Stain must be diluted 1:500 in basal medium, such as DMEM/F-12 (Cat.No. 10565-018).Prior to adding AP Live Stain, the growth medium must be removed, and the cells must be gently washed twice with pre-warmed basal medium.The 1X AP Live Stain solution is then added directly onto the adherent cell culture.

Determine the amount of 1X AP Live Stain solution required per culture plate using the table below.Once diluted, add the full amount of solution to the dish.

Table 1 Recommended volumes for preparing the 1X AP Live Stain working solution

Culture vesselSurface area (cm2)Volume of AP Live Stain (500X)Volume of DMEM/F-12
(Cat.No. 10565-018)
6-well plate10 cm2/well 3 µL1.5 mL
12-well plate4 cm2/well  2 µL 1 mL
24-well plate2 cm2/well 1 µL0.5 mL
35-mm dish 10 cm23 µL1.5 mL
60-mm dish20 cm26 µL3 mL
100-mm dish60 cm212 µL 6 mL

There are two washing steps in the staining procedure.First, the cells are washed twice after the removal of the growth medium.Then, after the cells are stained and the dye is removed, the cells are washed twice to eliminate the excess AP Live Stain and reduce the background signal.Washing should be performed gently with pre-warmed basal medium, such as DMEM/F-12 (Cat.No. 10565-018).Handle the cells aseptically, and carefully add and remove the medium with minimal disruption to the adherent cells during this step to avoid damage to cells.

It is important that the washes are performed gently, but effectively, to remove excess substrate.  Tipping the dish gently and adding the medium to the corner of the dish rather than directly onto the cells will help maintain viability.This same technique should be used for removal of medium and the subsequent wash steps.It is important to use medium that is sterile and has been pre-equilibrated to 37°C and is at the proper pH to ensure cell survival.

After adding AP Live Stain to your culture, incubate the cells for 20–30 minutes at 37°C, and then remove the stain by gently tipping the dish and aspirating the dye.

After 20–30 minutes, remove the AP Live Stain and wash the cells twice for 5 minutes each with DMEM/F-12 (Cat.No. 10565-018).Following the final wash, add fresh DMEM/F-12 and visualize the stained colonies under fluorescent microscopy using a standard FITC filter.Images should be captured within 10 to 30 minutes following the removal of the dye and the most robust fluorescent colonies should be marked for selection and expansion.Since the fluorescent signal leeches out of the cells and into the surrounding medium as the stain is turned over, we strongly encourage that you visualize and capture images immediately following the final wash for optimal signal detection.

Any fluorescence microscope with a standard FITC filter can be used to visualize your stained cells.  Alternatively, the FLoid™ Cell Imaging Station (Cat.No. 4471136) captures high-quality, three-color fluorescent cell images right at your benchtop.

AP Live Stain diffuses from your cells over the course of 2 hours after staining.

AP Live Stain can be used daily throughout the life of a culture without any adverse effects.

Colonies may be restained as early as 24 hours after the initial staining.It is recommended that cells are allowed to recover properly to obtain consistent results.

AP Live Stain is ideal for screening colonies during early stages of reprogramming since it selectively stains PSCs while maintaining cell viability.It can be used in later stages of reprogramming to identify undifferentiated cells for the selection of iPSCs for further cultivation.AP Live Stain was developed specifically for use on live cultures for cell maintenance and is qualified to be free of mycoplasma and bioburden, and exhibits extremely low endotoxin levels.

Cells can be co-stained with AP Live Stain and any non-FITC labeled antibody.We recommend, however, that the staining occurs sequentially; stain with surface marker antibodies and appropriate non-FITC fluorophores prior to staining with AP live stain since the antibody staining is semi-permanent and will last for several hours, but AP live stain is transient.Note that although AP Live Stain is rigorously qualified for use in live staining, the surface marker antibodies may not be, and thus PSCs that are co-stained with antibodies may not maintain cell viability and sterility.

Browse our antibody selection.

Store AP Live Stain at –20°C in the freezer and thaw at room temperature.  Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles and aliquot the AP Live Stain into smaller volumes if necessary.Always protect from light and avoid extended exposure at room temperature and atmospheric conditions.

The images below show various cells stained with the AP Live Stain.The differential staining of pluripotent cells easily distinguishes them from the feeder cells.

Since AP Live Stain depends on differential expression of alkaline phosphatase, dim staining of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) may be observed.Observe the entire dish to distinguish PSC colonies from individual MEFs that may have high levels of autofluorescence.This will not interfere with your experiment.See image below for an example of this type of staining.

Serum or serum replacement components in the growth medium may cause background and this can result in poor or dim staining.After the removal of the growth medium, gently wash the culture with pre-warmed DMEM/F-12 (Cat.No. 10565-018) for 5 minutes.Aspirate and repeat once before adding the AP Live Stain.  To further decrease background staining, perform 3 separate washes of 5 minutes each with DMEM/F-12 for a total of 15 minutes following the staining, and visualize immediately.