Visualize | Analyze | Manage | Understand | Innovate

Wherever imaging data sets need to be processed and managed, Thermo Scientific Software solutions offer abundant state-of-the-art image data processing, exploration and analysis features. Our adaptable software packages dedicated to life sciences, materials science, digital rock analysis, our service, and support options make complex visualization, analysis and data management of image data faster and easier for a wide range of customers.

With a comprehensive suite of services, customized just the way you need them, we can help increase your productivity and efficiency. Our wide range of services, highly trained staff, proven solutions, and commitment to your project will help you meet even your most challenging research goals. From installation and integration, image calibration, implementation and custom development, expert consulting, and training, we draw upon our team of experts to create customized, scalable, efficient solutions for your research.

Installation and integration

Installation, integration, and/or licensing can be problematic in certain organizations that are subject to special security guidelines due to the sensitivity of their data or any other constraints that make standard procedures fail.

Whenever you acquire a new Thermo Scientific™ imaging data analysis software solution or upgrade, or you expand an existing solution, our installation and integration services can help you. Whether in the selection of the necessary hardware appropriate to achieve your goals or in the integration into an existing IT (information technology) infrastructure or support in the licensing of our software.

Our qualified team of experts is by your side and supports you every step of the way.

Image calibration and consulting

Most of the time, simple workflows fail on images that are not as clean and free of artifacts as the push-button workflow expects them to be. In such cases, our experts help you to clean your data—e.g., clean out noise, improve contrast, and remove issues in your image data that are due to the individual imaging process or related parameters.

Our global team of image processing experts can help you calibrate your images to make them work in standard image processing workflows well proven in segmentation, quantification, and/or image analysis. We support you to improve the outcome of your imaging devices.

Our artificial intelligence (AI) engineers train your neural networks based on your images to support your innovative, deep learning workflows to solve complex and tedious segmentation problems.

Implementation and custom development

With over 25 years of experience in 3D image processing and hundreds of custom projects delivered to organizations small and large, we can provide you with a solution tailored to fit your specific needs.

Our team of experts can expand and customize our software solutions at various levels—from simple workflow to recipe, to sub-application until tailored application.

Innovation and training

Stay on par with the rapidly developing technology with tailored training to reduce your learning curve.

Introductory training

Shorten your learning curve and maximize your investment with introductory training specifically designed for new users. The course consists of a lecture with hands-on sessions. The training material highlights the basic features and functionalities of your Thermo Scientific software solution.

Advanced training

Maximize your investment and reduce your time to results with advanced training specifically designed to your needs. The training material highlights the advanced features and functionalities of your Thermo Scientific software solution.

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