The electronics market is under constant consumer pressure to develop smaller, faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient devices. This requires semiconductor designs that have smaller and smaller structural dimensions, with shorter time-to-yield and time-to-market. Unfortunately, most common technologies and workflows are inadequate for characterizing these smaller features.
As a result, novel and high productivity transmission electron microscope (TEM) workflows are needed to image and analyze the next generation of semiconductor device structures. Advanced characterization of these devices can help you deliver on necessary performance, predict and control structural, physical, and chemical properties, as well as correlate your characterization data to parametric test results.
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers workflows for the high-productivity characterization of parameters that directly affect device yield, performance, and reliability. This includes physical, structural, and chemical properties. Click through to the pages below to learn more about our range of products and to gain a deeper understanding of how these workflows can meet your specific needs.
Semiconductor device characterization workflow examples
As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.
Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis
Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.
Sample Preparation of Semiconductor Devices
Thermo Scientific DualBeam systems provide accurate TEM sample preparation for atomic-scale analysis of semiconductor devices. Automation and advanced machine learning technologies produce high-quality samples, at the correct location, and a low cost per sample.
Semiconductor Analysis and Imaging
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers scanning electron microscopes for every function of a semiconductor lab, from general imaging tasks to advanced failure analysis techniques requiring precise voltage-contrast measurements.
Thermal Fault Isolation
Uneven distribution of local power dissipation can cause large, localized increases in temperature, leading to device failure. We offer unique solutions for thermal fault isolation with high-sensitivity lock-in infrared thermography (LIT).
APT Sample Preparation
Atom probe tomography (APT) provides atomic-resolution 3D compositional analysis of materials. Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy is an essential technique for high-quality, orientation, and site-specific sample preparation for APT characterization.
Semiconductor Laser Ablation
Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.
Device Delayering
Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.
As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.
Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis
Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.
Sample Preparation of Semiconductor Devices
Thermo Scientific DualBeam systems provide accurate TEM sample preparation for atomic-scale analysis of semiconductor devices. Automation and advanced machine learning technologies produce high-quality samples, at the correct location, and a low cost per sample.
Semiconductor Analysis and Imaging
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers scanning electron microscopes for every function of a semiconductor lab, from general imaging tasks to advanced failure analysis techniques requiring precise voltage-contrast measurements.
Thermal Fault Isolation
Uneven distribution of local power dissipation can cause large, localized increases in temperature, leading to device failure. We offer unique solutions for thermal fault isolation with high-sensitivity lock-in infrared thermography (LIT).
APT Sample Preparation
Atom probe tomography (APT) provides atomic-resolution 3D compositional analysis of materials. Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy is an essential technique for high-quality, orientation, and site-specific sample preparation for APT characterization.
Semiconductor Laser Ablation
Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.
Device Delayering
Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.
Semiconductor Materials and Device Characterization
As semiconductor devices shrink and become more complex, new designs and structures are needed. High-productivity 3D analysis workflows can shorten device development time, maximize yield, and ensure that devices meet the future needs of the industry.
Electron microscopy services for
To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.