
Application Note: Analyze refined fuel properties with speed using a process Raman analyzer

To download our application note, "Accelerating the analysis of refined fuel properties using a novel solid state process Raman analyzer," please complete the short form below.

Accelerating the analysis of refined fuel properties helps refinery laboratories analyze hundreds of samples per day. In a medium size refinery, the number of samples can be 250 per day, while in a large refinery this can be as many as 500 per day or more.


The current analytical tools conventionally used to assess fuels include gas chromatographs, flash & freeze point apparatus, densitometers, vapor pressure testers, test engines for RON & MON and many others. Using such a high number of techniques can drag out analysis time, delaying needed results. In contrast, solid state process Raman spectroscopy can measure multiple properties of gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel accurately and precisely in a matter of seconds.


In this application note, we will describe the methodology for collecting high quality Raman spectra and the strategy for turning the spectral data into information to inform the decision making process.


Learn about several key topics in this application note:

  • Why process Raman spectroscopy is the ideal candidate for refined fuel analysis, with its key attributes of specificity, sensitivity, speed, and stability
  • Why refineries looking to increase throughput, reduce overhead, and improve the safety environment of the lab should consider process Raman spectroscopy
  • How process Raman spectroscopy can quickly and accurately analyze multiple fuel types, including gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel, as well as component streams

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