
Fluorescent Western Blotting—An Introduction for New Users

Considering fluorescence-based western blotting? Start your journey here.

This application note is intended to serve as a primer to fluorescence-based western blotting for customers who are currently performing chemiluminescence-based western blotting and looking to learn more, or for those just getting started with fluorescence-based western blotting. Throughout the piece, we provide tips and tricks in experimental setup and execution, and we also include a basic fluorescent western blotting protocol to refer to and build upon. 

See how easy it can be to leverage fluorescence-based western blot detection and download our application note.

The iBright Imaging System has models available that support fluorescence-based western blot detection. Would you be interested in receiving a quote or demo? If so, a representative will reach out to you to provide additional details as soon as possible.
